FF7 Rebirth Tifa Weapons: Full List, Abilities, Locations

Tifa Lockhart’s strength makes her the perfect brawler for the Final Fantasy 7 team. Her weapons are various gloves with powerful punches. Like Cloud and the others, Tifa has seven weapons in FF7. We covered everything players need to know about the martial artist’s weapons.
FF7 Rebirth Tifa Weapons: Full List, Abilities, Locations
The Jarngreipr gloves are the best weapon for Tifa. They deal a ton of stagger damage, which makes enemies vulnerable for a short time. They also have decent physical and magic attack stats.
These are all available weapons for Tifa:
Leather Gloves
- Description: Well-worn leather gloves that have seen their fair share of fights.
- Stats: 88 Attack, 58 Magic Attack
- Materia Slots: O-O O-O
- Ability: Divekick – Leap into the air and unleash a powerful kick.
- Proficiency Bonus: Finish off an enemy.
- Location: N/A. Players start with this weapon.
Sylph Gloves
- Description: Gloves that slice through the air to deliver sharp strikes.
- Stats: 83 Attack, 64 Magic Attack
- Materia Slots: O-O O-O
- Ability: Reverse Gale – Knock enemies into the air or bring them crashing down with a wind-aspected attack. Launches enemies toward you. Can use while airborne.
- Proficiency Bonus: Exploit an enemy’s weakness.
- Location: The Sylph Gloves are in Northern Quarry - Storage in the Mythril Mines. Gamers can find them in Chapter 3.
Kaiser Knuckles
- Description: Gloves fitted with sharp metal spikes to pack an extra punch.
- Stats: 131 Attack, 29 Magic Attack
- Materia Slots: O-O O-O
- Ability: Overpower – Use with other attacks to more effectively pressure enemies. Can use while airborne.
- Proficiency Bonus: Follow up with Attack after using the weapon ability.
- Location: Players can get this weapon during Chapter 5. The Kaiser Knuckles are in the chest in the 1st Freight Room on the Shinra-8 boat, which is between Junon and Corel.
Dragon Claws
- Description: Gorgeous gloves with a dragonscale design.
- Stats: 101 Attack, 50 Magic Attack
- Materia Slots: O-O
- Ability: Starshower – Unleash a flurry of powerful strikes. Increases strength of next command executed.
- Proficiency Bonus: Follow up with an offensive ability or spell after using the weapon ability.
- Location: The Dragon Claws are in Chapter 8. Players must earn a Rank 3 score in the "Desert Rush" minigame in The Dustbowl located in Corel.
Tiger Fangs
- Description: Savage gloves inspired by the sharp teeth of a beast of prey.
- Stats: 66 Attack, 53 Magic Attack
- Materia Slots: O-O O O O
- Ability: Chi Trap – Create an orb of materialized chi that deals damage on contact.
- Proficiency Bonus: Strike an enemy.
- Location: Players will find this weapon in Chapter 9. The Tiger Fangs are in the chest in Output Regulation - B1 in the Gongaga reactor.
Crystal Gloves
- Description: Gloves studded with gemstones that house magic power.
- Stats: 46 Attack, 92 Magic Attack
- Materia Slots: O-O O O O O
- Ability: Unfettered Fury – Imbue your unbridled attacks with non-elemental magic. Increases stagger.
- Proficiency Bonus: Stagger an enemy with a standard attack while active.
- Location: The Crystal Gloves are in Chapter 11. They’re in front of Building G-02 in the Garm Pass.
- Description: Gloves embedded with strength-enhancing energy cores.
- Stats: 86 Attack, 58 Magic Attack
- Materia Slots: O-O O-O O-O
- Ability: True Strike – Deliver a tremendous blow at close range. Increased stagger damage bonus.
- Proficiency Bonus: Strike a staggered enemy.
- Location: The Jarngreipr isn’t available until Chapter 13. It’s in the chest at the Corridor of Currents in the Temple of the Ancients.