Final Fantasy 7 Remake Barret Weapons: How to Find All Six of the Barret Weapons
By Cailey Ives

Final Fantasy 7 Remake Barret Weapons are a total of six weapons added to the inventory of Barret throughout your play-through. They can be obtained from vendors or by the completion of certain missions.
Here is how to find all six of the Barret Weapons in the Final Fantasy 7 Remake.
Check out this brand new interview with #FinalFantasy VII Remake producer Yoshinori Kitase & co-director Naoki Hamaguchi about their (not-so-distant) memories of developing #FF7R.
— FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE (@finalfantasyvii) April 16, 2020
Final Fantasy 7 Remake Barret Weapons
The six weapons that can be acquired are the Gatling Gun, Light Machine Gun, Big Bertha, Steel Pincers, Wrecking Ball, and EKG Cannon.
- Gattling Gun: Barret receives the Gattling Gun at the start of the game. No further actions are needed from the player to get this item. You should know how to control its popular Focused Shot, which consumes ATB charges for Barret to unleash energy against an enemy fighter.
- Light Machine Gun: Barret is given this weapon following the end of Chapter 6. The LMG allows Barret to take damage from other people in your group and is excellent for players looking to play in a tank role.
- Big Bertha: Big Bertha can be bought in Chapter 13 from Sector 7 Slums for 2,500 Gil. It provides stat boosts for players who can keep his health high during fights.
- Steel Pincers: This weapon can be purchased from the Moogle child in Chapter 14 for seven Moogle Medals. Steel Pincers are the best weapon available to Barret because of the damage dealt.
- Wrecking Ball: After you complete the Chapter 14 side quest titled Subterranean Menace, you will receive the Wrecking Ball as a gift. This weapon allows Barret to strike the ground and send enemies flying away.
- EKG Cannon: The EKG Cannon is bought from Hart in Chapter 16 for 10,000 Gil.
For more information on the Final Fantasy 7 Remake, check out our Final Fantasy 7 Remake Bahamut: How to Defeat the Boss, and Final Fantasy VII Remake Review - Living up to the Hype.