Final Fantasy 7 Remake Missable Trophies Guide
By Andrew Lin

Final Fantasy 7 Remake Missable Trophies are ones where you'll have to dig for if you want all of them. Luckily, the game features a chapter select mode, so it's easy to go back and grab any you passed through the first time.
In #FinalFantasy VII Remake be sure to open every treasure chest and break every Shinra crate, because you might just find a Moogle Medal!
— FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE (@finalfantasyvii) April 8, 2020
It's said someone in Midgar is collecting them, so it may be worth your while to keep an eye out on your adventure. #FF7R
To get all of the trophies, you must beat the game on Hard Mode, itself unlocked after completing the game on any other difficulty. You get most of the trophies by progressing the game and finding all the items and collectible, but there are a few missable Chapter specific trophies.
Final Fantasy 7 Remake Missable Trophies Guide
Nothing in the game is hidden out of sight as the story is linear, but there are a few optional events that give you trophies you can miss out on if you don't do them.
- Chapter 3– Heavenly Dart Player
- Chapter 4– Biker Boy
- Chapter 6– Cleanup Crew
- Chapter 7– In Lockstep
- Chapter 8– Crate Annihilator
- Chapter 9– Sultan of Squat
- Chapter 9– Dancing Queen
- Chapter 9– Returning Champion
- Chapter 14– Whack-a-Box Wunderkind
- Chapter 14– Peeress of Pull-Ups
- Chapter 14– Divine Gratitude
You should keep an eye out for all the available side quests on your first run, so on Hard Mode you can go straight to completing the new trophies. Of course, playing on Hard Mode is more difficult, so it would be less frustrating to complete the quests as they were available.