Find the Pumpkin Fortnite: How to Complete the Featured Creative Map

Find the Pumpkin is a Fortnite Creative map Epic Games has chosen to add to its list of featured maps during the first portion of the Fortnitemares event. In the map, players must navigate a series of puzzles, each solved by finding a particular pumpkin hidden in the area. Here's how to complete it.
If you are stuck on Find the pumpkin in fortnite then watch this! happy Halloween! Fortnite - Walkthrough for Find the pumpkin
— SweatCuteSeal (@SealSweat) October 28, 2019
Find the Pumpkin Fortnite: How to Complete the Featured Creative Map
In Find the Pumpkin, Fortnite players can find decoy pumpkins in addition to the pumpkins that solve each puzzle. You'll know when you've found the right pumpkin because a laugh will play.
The level also features an adorable warning at the start: "If you are scared of spiders you may want to close your eyes while playing." How can someone complete the map without their eyes? Who knows!
Anyway. Start by heading downstairs, then go through the door on your left. Pass into the room with two jail cells and a stack of coffins. The first pumpkin hides behind those coffins. Stand on it to trigger the laugh.
Head back to the starting room, where you'll find the barriers unlocked. Go through the right door and stay right into a small open are with a gnarled tree and clothes on a drying line. Go up the stairs behind the tree, jump onto the tree, then to the wooden beam just to the north. From there, you'll be able to reach pumpkin number two, just to your left.
Run north through the gates you just unlocked. Enter the yard with the glowing green ground and run as far right as you can. Turn south when you hit the wall and you'll see pumpkin three tucked in a corner.
Continue north into the barn. Climb to the top floor of the barn, then crouch walk through the window at the top of the stairs. Jump across onto the silo and you'll find pumpkin four.
Go north into the cave. Run past the red ceiling light, then take a left. Take a right at the end of that hallway. Pass the giant spider and find a tomb surrounded by jars and boxes. Head around the tomb to its back to activate pumpkin five.
Retrace your steps to the red light, then take a left instead of proceeding straight out of the cave. Take a left at the end of that hall, then follow the winding path to the newly opened gate.
Follow that path until you reach a swampy area. Keep flush with the left wall, walking across the rocks looking for a small hole. In that crevice you'll find pumpkin six.
Go east through the now-open gate. Enter the second house — the one not on stilts — and climb the bookcase to the second floor. Pumpkin seven sits right on front of the opening.
Exit the house and turn right. Turn right again at the end of the house. Once you enter the camp ground, circle right around the green and blue tent. Jump over the bushes next to the blue canoes, passing behind a tree, to get the eighth and last pumpkin.
Proceed east through the new opening and you'll have finished the map.
Players can also collect Pumpkin Coins on the map to finish a Creative Curse challenge, but there's a much simpler and faster way. Check out our guide here.
Photo courtesy of Epic Games/HELLRAISER GAMING