Fortnite Horde Rush Disabled: When Will Horde Rush Return?
By Nathan Fusco
Fortnite Horde Rush has been disabled for coming on 19 hours and has no end in sight.
Epic Games posted yesterday that they replaced Horde Rush LTM with One Shot Duos and were looking into the problems.
Fortnite Horde Rush Disabled: When Will Horde Rush Return?
Horde Rush will hopefully return soon, but Epic Games has yet to drop more information. Later today, fans should learn more about the LTM and whether we'll be playing it sooner rather than later.
But in positive news, Fortnite Prop Hunt is a thing! The community can't play it yet, but certain fans at E3 have played it, so it should be coming soon! In Prop Hunt, one team of players chooses objects from the game environment to use as a disguise. The second team scours the map trying to find the hiding players.
It's a fantastic type of game.
Photo courtesy of Epic Games