Fortnite 'March Through Time' Map Includes Segregated Bathroom

The Fortnite "March Through Time" Creative map has been at the forefront of many discussions over the last 24 hours regarding the appropriateness of putting serious civil rights history in the free-to-play battle royale game.
One related topic circulating social media has been a screenshot of a segregated bathroom being showcased in the game. Here's a breakdown of where players can find it in-game, and what the context is behind Epic Games adding it to the game.
As addressed previously, Epic Games and TIME Magazine's goal with the March Through Time project is to "enable the next generation to explore Dr. King’s historic impact in a new way," according to Tomi Omololu-Lange and Matthew O’Rourke, two executive producers for TIME Studios.
Built by Fortnite Creative Community members ChaseJackman, GQUanoe, XWDFr, and YU7A, the map is titled D.C. 63, a reimagined Washington, D.C. featuring the Lincoln Memorial and United States National Mall where Dr. King gave his monumental "I Have A Dream" speech to around 250,000 people on Aug. 28, 1963.
In addition to being able to watch a video of Dr. King's iconic speech and examine several exhibits showcasing images from the original march, however, the map also invites players to complete 10 collaborative mini-game quests with others in the lobby.
Once players complete all the puzzles and add their "light to the board," the lightboard is lit up and a some fireworks are set off.
One requires a player to use a gravity ball to collect orbs of power before being teleported to the place where Dr. King delivered his speech during the March on Washington.
Another requires two players to solve a maze separately before meeting up at the end and pulling on a pair of levers at the same time to see a burning "freedom ride" bus.
After completing a four-player relay race, however, players are transported to a segregated bathroom.
The description reads:
After the abolishment of slavery, many state and local governments enacted new legislation to limit the rights of Black Americans. These "Jim Crow" laws enforced separate and inferior public accommodations for Black Americans.
- Fortnite (2021)
Players who complete all the challenges relating to the event receive a free D.C. 63 spray, and are encouraged to tweet at #FNDC63 with a screenshot of their light on the board and "share how their voice can make a positive impact."
More information can be found on Epic's dev blog as well as through a press release issued by TIME.