God of War in Fortnite: What We Know

God of War in Fortnite is a crossover that none of us expected, but here it is! The inclusion of Kratos, along with a few of his items, has been confirmed by Epic. Kratos’ reveal is the first major skin release following the announcement of the Season 5 battle pass, which prominently features skins like The Mandalorian.
God of War in Fortnite: What We Know
Fortnite’s newest season features storyline developments involving alternative universes and realities. To spare anyone potential spoilers, a lot happened, and it led to skins like Kratos being organically implemented into the story. Though Fortnite has never been a stickler for lore consistency, there is a pretty strong throughline with many of the skins in each season. This time around the focus is on “hunters,” and the inclusion of Kratos makes sense if you really stretch for it.
No spoilers for God of War, but at the beginning of the game, you and Atreus (your son) are hunting deer to prove that the kid is ready for the upcoming journey. So if that’s what it takes to be a hunter then we’ll just have to accept that. Of course, there is the common saying “the hunter has become hunted” or something approximate to that. And to keep it as vague as possible, Kratos is hunted throughout God of War.
Now, as for the skin itself, there are four additional unlocks with the Kratos skin. There is the Leviathan Axe (pickaxe skin), Mimir’s Head (backpack), the Guardian Shield (glider skin), and the Freezing Burst emote. All of which look excellent, currently the bundle is priced at 2200 V-Bucks. If you just want Kratos and Mimir’s Head that bundle is 1500 V-Bucks.