Great League Remix Returns to Pokémon GO

Great League Remix has returned to Pokémon GO, this time with some new rules for players to follow. Here's what you need to know.
The Great League Remix returns! This time, the top 20 Pokémon used by Ace rank Trainers and above in the Great League will be ineligible.
— Pokémon GO (@PokemonGoApp) July 9, 2021
More details here:
Great League Remix Pokémon GO Returns
Pokémon GO's Great League is one of three in which players can compete against one another. It's positioned as the easiest league in which to compete, capping the maximum CP per Pokémon at 1,500. The other two leagues, Ultra League and Master League, have a 2,500 CP cap and no cap at all, respectively.
Because of the CP cap, more Pokémon have the chance to shine in the Great League. Weaker Pokémon such as Azumarill, Medicham, and Altaria all stand a chance to succeed in the Great League, whereas those Pokémon would get destroyed by Legendary Pokémon competing in the higher CP leagues. Only trainers with the absolute strongest Pokémon can hope to compete in the Master League, but the Great League remains relatively approachable.
With the Great League Remix, Niantic has added even more constraints. The 20 most popular Pokémon among trainers Ace rank and higher in the Great League can't be used in Great League Remix. Those Pokémon are as follows:
- Venusaur
- Alolan Ninetales
- Alolan Marowak
- Meganium
- Azumarill
- Politoed
- Umbreon
- Skarmory
- Swampert
- Pelipper
- Vigoroth
- Medicham
- Altaria
- Defense Forme Deoxys
- Bastiodon
- Toxicroak
- Scrafty
- Galvantula
- Galarian Stunfisk
- Talonflame
Competing in any GO Battle League can earn a trainer Stardust rewards. Although Niantic reduced the rewards at the end of Season 7, feedback from players convinced them the reduction was a mistake.
"The initial reduction was an oversight, and we apologize for the inconvenience it caused," Niantic wrote on the Pokémon GO Live blog.
To compensate for the lost Stardust from the first week of Season 8, Niantic will increase the Stardust rewards for the last week of the season to double Season 7's amounts.
"We want to thank the GO Battle League community for noticing this error and quickly bringing it to our attention."