Hades Dark Foresight: Better Than Olympian Favor?

Hades Dark Foresight is a powerful option on the green side of the Mirror of Night.
In Supergiant Games' new mythological isometric roguelite Hades, players are looking to increase protagonist Zagreus' power as early and efficiently as possible. Giving Nectar to characters provides him with Keepsakes that have various abilities. He can also improve his own powers, like a chance for higher-rarity Boons, by dumping Darkness into the red or green sides of the Mirror of Night.
It is possible to get very deep in the game without using the green side of the Mirror of Night. Each upgrade has a "switch" icon to the left of it, which will swap it to a green version of that upgrade slot (which must be upgraded with Darkness separately). Zagreus can have any combination of green and red upgrades for any run. One choice that has many players stumped is whether to go into a run using Olympian Favor (red) or Dark Foresight (green).
Hades Dark Foresight: Better than Olympian Favor?
Here are the differences between Olympian Favor and Dark Foresight:
• Olympian Favor: Adds 1% (max. 40%) chance for Boon to have Rare effects
• Dark Foresight: Adds 10% (max. 20%) chance to encounter Gold Laurel Chambers (Boons, Poms, Hammers, Charon's Obols)
Choosing between Olympian Favor and Dark Foresight mainly depends on how deep you are in the game. If you haven't had many successful runs and want to ensure you're getting the most powerful Boons that you can, it's beneficial to level up Olympian Favor and use that.
However, once you're deeper into the game and have secured other routes to upgraded Boon rarity, it's typically better to choose Dark Foresight. If you want to become extremely powerful in each run, Dark Foresight is the way to go because it will increase your chances of encountering Boons, Poms, and Hammers — all efficient ways of becoming more powerful and, specifically, maximizing upon your build for that run.