Hammond Robotics: Everything You Need to Know About Apex Legends Corporation
Hammond Robotics is a company in the universe of Apex Legends known primarily for sponsoring Forge, the next playable Legend. The company has more history outside of Apex Legends, as it has also been part of the Titanfall universe in which Apex Legends takes place. Here's what you need to know about the company.
Hammond Robotics: Everything You Need to Know About Apex Legends Corporation
Hammond Robotics was originally named Hammond Engineering when Doctor Hammond founded it over 100 years before the events of Apex Legends. The company began in astronavigation, materials science and other science and engineering fields.
Over time, the company created new divisions for its many functions, with Hammond Robotics as the manufacturing and defense contractor allied with the Interstellar Manufacturing Corporation. In Titanfall, Hammond Robotics manufactures the majority of Titans.
Hammond Robotics has a website players can visit. There, players can see a "Client Access" login. What this portal can reveal remains unknown.
The Apex Legends Twitter account tweeted out a teaser for Season 4 on Saturday stating a Hammond Robotics facility had been broken into. The ramifications of the break in are not immediately clear.