Harry Potter: Wizards Unite Indianapolis Fan Festival Event Guide

The last rounds of tickets are going out for fans who want to attend the official first ever real world event for this AR mobile game.

In the weeks leading up to now, more information pertaining to and surrounding the event as it has become available. As the event draws closer, we have yet another update ready to share.

Ready to step into the Wizarding World to help Harry Potter and his friends? Here's everything we know so far.

Indianapolis Wizards Unite Fan Festival

The event will take place from Aug 31. to Sept. 1 in Indianapolis, Ind., specifically at White River Park. Both general access and early access tickets are available with the latter costing about $10 more and giving you an extra two hours in the park before everyone else.

Dragons are coming to a smartphone near you.
Dragons are coming to a smartphone near you. /

Dragons will be appearing for the first time and attendees will have the opportunity to be the first ones to encounter them. This will be the only time all dragons can be found in one place. After the event, each dragon will fly off to its specific region and will only be available in that region. Collect this Oddities Foundable while you can.

An exclusive set of Special Assignments will be revealed to attendees during the event. This will be accompanied by a real life Threat Clock stationed in the park. The clock will dictate certain parts of the event so it's crucial players keep their eyes on it as they explore.

The park will be decked out with themed accessories including Landmark Flags to help players navigate the park and find specific Foundables, hidden creatures, Occamy and Dragon eggs, themed lounges, recharging areas, and more scattered throughout the area. Portkey Games has designed this experience to be a truly magically and fully interactive weekend.

Themed lounges in White River Park.
Themed lounges in White River Park. /

United States launch partners AT&T and Simon are also running promotions, themselves, which are open to attendees to participate. Visiting AT&T's setup will get you an extra in-game item and a free photo with the giant inflatable niffler. Simon's can pick up a $10 voucher to any of their stores and a chance to win their $10,000 sweepstakes.

More information is available on the game's blog.

Have a magical weekend, witches and wizards.

Photos courtesy of Niantic Labs and Portkey Games