How to Beat Leofrith in AC Valhalla

Beating Leofrith in AC Valhalla can prove challenging to those unprepared for this intense encounter.
Beating Leofrith in AC Valhalla can prove challenging to those unprepared for this intense encounter. / Ubisoft

Beating Leofrith in AC Valhalla can prove challenging to those unprepared for this intense encounter.

Assassin's Creed: Valhalla features the Viking raider, Eivor, and their role in the conflict against the neighboring Anglo-Saxon kingdoms of ancient Britain. During the adventure, they are faced with Leofrith, the champion of the enemy King Burgred. The two warriors end up going blade-to-blade in a battle to the death within the arena on the Isle of Waifs.

How to Beat Leofrith in AC Valhalla

The battle with Leofrith comes in two stages. Players are encouraged to collect as many materials as they can and upgrade their gear before engaging in the fight. The soldier will be waiting on the Isle of Waifs in a small arena outlined in wooden stakes.

The first stage unfolds in three parts: parry, dodge, and lure.

  • Leofrith's strikes will glow orange when Eivor is supposed to parry with their shield. This should be simple as it's only a matter of watching and tapping the right button at the right time.
  • When his weapon turns red, he is preparing to launch a strong attack that will break through Eivor's defense—meaning the best course of action is to dodge.
  • Finally, when Leofrith stands open with a blue symbol above him, it may seem as though the soldier has given up. Don't be fooled—he's simply waiting for Eivor to come in range. Lure him back into his attacking pattern with a few hits from a ranged weapon such as a bow.

Parrying his attacks will cause the stamina bar above his health to whittle down bit by bit. Leofrith enters his second stage once the bar is empty.

The second stage involves similar tactics, but directly players to focus on damage. Leofrith is swifter in this stage and his attacks hit a bit harder than before. With a bit of luck, however, Eivor can land a direct blow after a parry and stage well out of the range of the soldier's stronger abilities. Anything that can stun him or knock him to the ground is a big bonus for players looking to take him down quickly. The goal is to get in as many hits as possible without sacrificing much of Eivor's own health.

This should bring Leofrith to his knees—and, somehow, invite the visage of Odin to step onto the field. Odin informs Eivor that they have the choice to kill Leofrith now or spare him.

Killing Leofrith grants him the glorious warrior's demise that the skald's sing about—landing him right at the gates to the Hall of the Slain, Valhalla. However, if the player chooses to spare him, Eivor can share that King Burgred has abandoned his champion to sail to Rome, instead. Leofrith will thank them by telling them the Order of the Ancients' Zealots have a scroll with Eivor's name on it. This activates the Hunted quest and, by burning the scroll, the player can eliminate on-sight aggression with the Zealots.