How to Beat Zacian in Pokemon GO: Best Zacian Raid Counters
By Jack O'Dwyer

Thanks to the third Ultra Unlock from this year's annual Pokemon GO Fest, trainers have the opportunity to battle and catch the legendary wolf, Zacian.
Zacian originally hails from the Galar region. Also known as the "Warrior Pokemon" alongside its sibling, Zamazenta, the two were said to be legendary heroes of ancient times. However, those times are now over, and both wolves look worse for wear in their "Hero of Many Battles" forms. This is how Pokemon GO trainers can encounter them as five-star raid bosses.
Don't let its tattered form fool you. Zacian can still pack quite a punch.
Did you know? Wooloo’s curly fleece is such an effective cushion that this Pokémon could fall off a cliff and stand right back up at the bottom, unharmed.
— Pokémon GO (@PokemonGoApp) August 22, 2021
How to Beat Zacian in Pokemon GO
Zacian is a pure fairy-type, meaning it is most vulnerable to poison and steel-types while having trouble damaging both aforementioned types alongside fire-types as a frustrating bonus. This means that trainers should be bringing their strongest poison and steel-type Pokemon—but fire-types may survive a brief encounter, as well.
The best counter choices for Zacian in its Hero of Many Battles form are:
- Dialga (Metal Claw + Iron Head)
- Metagross (Bullet Punch + Meteor Mash)
- Roserade (Poison Jab + Sludge Bomb/Solar Beam)
- Genesect (Metal Claw + Magnet Bomb)
- Muk (Poison Jab + Gunk Shot)
- Gengar (Lick/Hex + Sludge Bomb)
- Excadrill (Metal Claw + Iron Head)
- Mega Beedrill (Poison Jab + Sludge Bomb)
Zacian can only be encountered as a five-star raid boss. As such, it has the following stats:
- Max. CP: 4329
- Raid CP: 52,195
- Max. HP: 192
- Raid HP: 15,000
- Attack: 254
- Defense: 236
- Stamina: 197
When caught its moveset could contain the quick move: Fire Fang, Metal Claw, Quick Attack, or Snarl. Its charged move pool contains: Close Combat, Iron Head, Play Rough, and Wild Charge.
Those looking to take it down should avoid bringing dragon-types at all costs. Zacian will eat them alive, alongside fighting, bug, and dark-types. Take caution when putting together your raid team for a Zacian encounter.
It cannot be shiny at the time of writing.
Trainers can battle Zacian until Aug. 26 at 10 a.m. local time.