How to Beat Zamazenta in Pokemon GO: Best Raid Counters for Zamazenta
By Jack O'Dwyer

Trainers want to learn how to beat Zamazenta in Pokemon GO following the Galar-centric Ultra Unlock reveal.
Zamazenta and its "Warrior Pokemon" counterpart, Zacian, can be found in five-star raids throughout the rest of August 2021. The two legendary wolves serve as Galar's staunch protectors and are known in legend and myth as the sword and shield of the region. Stories say they once helped take down a terrible creature and save the realm from peril. Zamazenta, particularly, served as a bastion of strength, able to shrug off hits with ease.
Here's how you can add it to your team.
Currently making its Pokémon GO debut, Skwovet appears throughout the Galar region. This Pokémon becomes uneasy if its cheeks are ever completely empty of Berries.
— Pokémon GO (@PokemonGoApp) August 21, 2021
Welcome Skwovet by dropping a ? here!
How to Beat Zamazenta in Pokemon GO
Zamazenta is a pure fighting-type in its Hero of Many Battles form. Therefore, it has vulnerabilities to fairy, flying, and psychic-types. It also has difficulty dealing with bug and poison-types—so you can pull them out in a pinch. Using this information, we recommend the following Pokemon as Raid counters:
- Mewtwo (Confusion + Psystrike/Psychic)
- Moltres (Wing Attack + Sky Attack)
- Alakazam (Confusion + Psychic)
- Espeon (Confusion + Psychic)
- Togekiss (Charm + Dazzling Gleam)
- Gardevoir (Confusion + Psychic)
- Staraptor (Wing Attack + Brave Bird)
- Mega Pidgeot (Gust + Brave Bird)
Zamazenta can be encountered as a five-star Raid boss. As such, it has the following stats:
- Max. CP: 4,329
- Raid CP: 52195
- Max. HP: 192
- Raid HP: 15,000
- Attack: 254
- Defense: 236
- Stamina: 192
Its quick pool moveset contains: Metal Claw, Snarl, Quick Attack, and Ice Fang. It can also have a charged move such as: Close Combat, Crunch, Moon Blast, or Iron Head.
Those looking to challenge Zamazenta should steer clear of bringing dark, ice, normal, rock, or steel-types as this Pokemon will rip right through them. Despite its scarred flanks and missing ears, Zamazenta is no easy target.
It cannot be shiny at the time of writing.
Trainers can encounter Zamazenta on Aug. 26 through to Sept. 1 at 10 a.m. It immediately follows its Warrior Pokemon sibling—believed in some parts to be its older sister—Zacian.