How to Host a Private CS:GO Match
By Jakob Lucas

With Tuesday's release of Operation Riptide, Valve finally enabled CS:GO players to host a private match on Valve's own servers. While the process may seem daunting it's quite straightforward and virtually anybody can do it. Here's how to host a CS:GO match using the new private queue system:
— CS:GO (@CSGO) September 22, 2021
How to Host a Private CS:GO Match
Valve's brief description of the new CS:GO Private Queue reads "With a player-generated Queue Code, a group of friends can match amongst themselves into a Premier match on Valve servers."
This Queue Code refers to a code assigned to every Steam Group which allows group members to host private matches on Valve's servers. In order to get this Queue Code players need to be part of a Steam Group or create a new.
The process for creating a Steam Group is pretty simple and can be done almost instantaneously. Once players and their friends have a Steam Group they can create a Private Queue match.
Using player-generated Queue Codes, a group of friends (or users in the same Steam Group) can play a Premier match against each other on official servers.
— CS:GO (@CSGO) September 22, 2021
Valve made the process for creating a private match extremely simple. After clicking the "Play CS:GO" button in the game's main menu they will be able to select a variety of different game modes including "Private Queue" located under the "Competitive" tab.
Like most private matches, players can make their game joinable to friends or turned on invite-only mode. To enable the invite only mode players merely need to deselect the "Open Party" option. Players can copy the game code to send out to their friends, join via a Steam Group, or join using a code from another player.
Valve's new private match feature, Private Queue, is easy-to-use and secure, exactly what the player base hoped for from the new mode.