How to Play Nilah in League of Legends
By Lina Hassen

Nilah is the newest champion coming to League of Legends, expected to make her debut in Patch 12.13. Also known as "The Unbound Joy," Nilah is a melee ADC whose kit focuses on shielding and mobility. Here are all of her abilities, and how she's most likely going to be played.
Here are all of Nilah's abilities, and what they do.
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How to Play Nilah in League of Legends
Passive - Unending Joy: When Nilah kills a minion, her and the nearest ally gain XP that would’ve been lost to sharing. Nilah receives 10% increased healing and 20% bonus shielding. The effectiveness works on allies who heal or shield her too. If the allied heals or shields themselves, she gains the same amount too.
Q - Formless Blade: Nilah deals damage to all enemies struck with her whip. Casting her Q while in her E causes a wave to be sent to the end location. If she hits a target, her Q becomes empowered, granting extra attack speed and additional range. As a passive, Nilah gains armor pen, her basic attacks and her Q heal her for the damage she deals. Excess healing becomes a shield.
W - Jubilant Veil: Nilah becomes ghosted while dodging basic attacks and reducing incoming magic damage taken. While active, touching allies envelop them into the mist while gaining the same effects.
E - Slipstream: Nilah dashes a fixed distance through a unit dealing damage to them. This ability is an auto-attack reset. She can cast her Q and R while using this ability. As a passive, Nilah stocks a charge, up to a maximum of 2.
R - Apotheosis: Nilah whirls her whip dealing damage to all nearby enemies. She pulls them towards her and slows them. She also heals herself and her nearby allies. Excess healing is converted into a shield.
Nilah's abilities mean she's going to be dashing around enemies in close contact in order to deal damage. Players are likely going to want to try and strike enemies with her Q, hit E to dash to them, and then hit W for the immunity before following in with another Q.
Because of all her bonus shielding and healing, Nilah is going to be a formidable opponent when paired with both a bot lane duo who has utility and healing. This will make characters like Senna, Nami, and Janna great Supports for her.