How to Unlock Seafarer's Sun Hat in Sea of Thieves

Here's how to unlock the Seafarer's Sun Hat in Sea of Thieves.
Sea of Thieves is a massive pirate game that allows players to form their own crew, and to fight and steal from other pirates. Players can own, customize, and upgrade their own ships to help dominate the seas.
Ships aren't the only customizable things in Sea of Thieves. As the old saying goes, "look good, play good." Sea of Thieves also allows players to customize their own pirate with a wide array of apparel spanning from flamboyant pirate hats to legendary outfits inspired by sea monsters such as the Kraken.
Become a Captain of Adventure in Season Seven!
— Sea of Thieves (@SeaOfThieves) August 4, 2022
⚓️ Buy and Name Ships
🖼 New Personalisation Options
🥇 Milestone Progression System
📔 Ship Loadout Saving
💅 Sovereign and Shipwright Perks
💯 100 Levels of Seasonal Rewards
🏴☠️ Emporium Refresh
☠ And More:
How to Unlock Seafarer's Sun Hat in Sea of Thieves
The Seafarer's Sun Hat is one of the newer cosmetic items in the game. The in-game description states that "On hot summer days, hats like this can offer protection against the sun's rays. Looking good is just a bonus." Here's how to unlock the stylish hat.
According to the games Wiki, the Seafarer's Sun Hat is a time-limited item that can only be unlocked by reaching Renown Level 96.
In order to accomplish this, players can earn Renown by exploring islands, defeating skeletons and sea creatures, or by finding hidden treasures. Another great way to earn Renown is by stealing loot from opposing players or sinking their ships.
It's important to note that the Seafarers Sun Hat is a timed item, and will no longer be available once Season 7 ends. Fear not, however, as Season 7 launched on Aug. 4 and players should have plenty of time to get to level 96 to unlock the hat.