Is There a Point of No Return in FF7 Rebirth?

A point of no return is when players reach a moment in a game where they are forced to continue the story. Some players like to know when these moments occur so they can explore everything they want in the world without randomly being thrown into spoilers. Gamers are curious whether there’s one in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.
Is There a Point of No Return in FF7 Rebirth?
There are two points of no return. One is where players are region-locked as the story continues and another is where they’re forced to finish the main story.
The first is at the beginning of Chapter 12. Players should complete as much side content as possible before starting it and going to the Gold Saucer. When they arrive, they’ll be locked to the region as the story progresses, and fast travel will be unavailable.
Once the main events of Chapter 12 are over, players can wander around, but the party will undergo some changes. I recommend players do everything they want before this event, as this will be their last chance before the story progresses.
Eventually, the party must use the Tiny Bronco and set sail to their next destination. At this point, players must complete the game (up until Chapter 14) before they go to other regions.
Some players may want to know everything about all of Cloud’s weapons.