It Takes Two Trophy Guide

Hazelight Studios' new two-player co-op platform It Takes Two has a variety of trophies, and in this list, we explain how to get each one.
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— Electronic Arts (@EA) March 26, 2021
Bring a friend along on this wild co-op journey for free with the Friend's Pass. #ItTakesTwoGame @HazelightGames ?
It Takes Two Trophy Guide
Power Couple
You are unstoppable, nothing stands in your way!
- Awarded to those who have earned all of the trophies.
It Took Two
You did it! CO-LLA-BO-RATION!
- Every player gets this when completing the game.
Minigame Megalomania
All minigames found!
Fried Friendship
It takes two to… torture.
- In Chapter Three, this is awarded to players who find the torture chamber.
Struck A Pose
Self-inflicted paparazzi.
- When one player photographs the other in Chapter Three, the player being photographed receives this trophy.
Plastic Prison Breakers
They had no way out.
- When inside a prison, both players must simultaneously do a ground slam to receive the trophy.
Faraway Frequencies
The truth was out there all along!
- Players must interact with an antenna in Rose's Room and listen to the four different frequencies in order to obtain the achievement.
Look At Him Go
Shoot for the stars, literally.
- Have player 2 must catapult player 1 up a ramp. Then, P2 must shrink themselves to the smallest size and stand on the lower part of the ramp. P1 should jump on the upper part of the ramp, from above, with a ground slam in order to catapult P2 up to the stars, thus unlocking the trophy.
A Daring Devil
Put on a show and die trying.
- At the start of Rose's Room, run all the way up to the end (without taking the story path) and have one player enter the toy car ahead, while the other grabs the car from behind, pulls it back, and then aims over the red ramp. After releasing the car, it must pass through a hoop in order for the player in the car to get the trophy.
Break the Bank
Guess it was time to cash out.
- In Rose's Room, there is a pig with four golden coins. Pick up the four golden coins that are in front of the pick and place them on the back of the pig to win "Break the Bank."
Now look who's extinct!
- Find the tall dinosaur toy, and have one player control it. The other must stand in a platform that the first player can control with the dinosaur.
Realize Your Art
Isn't it pretty? That's going on the fridge.
- Walk to the end of the castle courtyard, then take the path on the right. In the end, you find a printer and some paint. Jump into the rolling pieces on the back of the printer. This will flatten you, thus unlock the trophy.
On Rails Experience
Choo Choo!
- At the very start of the level walk straight ahead to the end of the courtyard. You will see some train tracks on the ground here. Just wait by the tracks, wait for a train to drive by. Jump onboard the train and the trophy will unlock.
Platforming Prodigy
Helltower? More like hello-from-up-here-tower!
- During this level you will come to a town square area (outdoors). Go find the funfair, at the end of it is a sign that says "Helltower." There are two buttons in front of it, and both players must jump on them simultaneously to make the tower appear. You must reach the top to earn the trophy.
Force Triangulated
Breathe some wind into your ocarina, my skyward princess!
- During this level, you will come to a town square area, then try to find the river in this area and enter the boat at the end of the river. Go forth in the boat until you reach a little house. Enter that house and the trophy will unlock.
Lost And Found
Again? Keep track of your kids!
- Upon entering the winter village with the three big towers, there’s a frozen lake in the middle of the area. Go to the back of the frozen lake and find the mother turtle who lost her children. First, activate the towers to make them spawn. Then, the baby turtles will appear on the frozen lake. There are two blue ones and two red ones. Push them back to the mother turtle.
Mood Swing
Took things a bit too far, didn't you?
- When you enter the winter village, activate the bell of the left tower. This will unfreeze the left part of town. Underneath that tower is a swingset at the cliffside, at the very end of the village. There’s someone sitting on the red swing: utilize your magnet powers to make them spin around really quickly which will unlock the trophy for both players.
Something Fishy
Don't feed the animals! Or do, they're adorable.
- You must jump down into water. The story path should take you to a station underwater, which you'll have to exit and then dive up. Exit the station and dive up. When you’re out the water, look for a little boat. The boat has two harpoons on it, use them to catch some fish for the seals.
Terror Of The Seven Seas
Scurvy! Ye look smashing, captain!
- Jump down the water at the beginning of the level. Then head to an underwater station. Exit the station and dive up. Once you’re out of the water, look for a pirate ship. Climb up the pirate ship, open the treasure chest behind the steering wheel, and interact with it to put on a pirate hat. This unlocks the trophy.
Bug Sized Relaxation
Release that tension at the root level.
- Once the Burrower Boss Fight is over, you enter a spa building. Sit in the pool at the spa to get this trophy.
Meditation Maestro
You reached a higher state of mind. Or at least some peace and quiet.
- Once both players are reaching the outdoor section with white clouds where they get the jetpack ability for the first time, there’s a big tambourine in front of them. Enter the tambourine, there are two stools which both players can sit to meditate. This unlocks the trophy.