JGOD Discusses Warzone Post-Reloaded Long-Range Loadout Meta
By Jack O'Dwyer

Warzone streamer and content creator, JGOD, recently posted a video discussing his thoughts on the long-range weapon meta after the Season 4 Reloaded patch.
Season 4 Reloaded brought a tidal wave of surprises—both good and bad—to Call of Duty (COD): Warzone. Of these, the massive amount of balance changes has truly shaken the previous meta-structure to its core. This has left a wide gap for well-known players to fill regarding which weapons will top the charts post-patch.
Fortunately, JGOD has us covered.
JGOD Discusses Post-Reloaded Long-Range Loadout Meta
The streamer uploaded his video to his official YouTube channel on Sunday, July 18.
He started by explaining what makes a meta—ease of use, skill threshold, and popularity. There is, of course, a stark difference between high-skilled and low-skilled meta choices, as weapons will perform according to the competency of their player. He then went on to examine the recoil of a certain set of weapons to illustrate his point before launching right into a full comparison chart.
4x on C58 is Still Broken pic.twitter.com/Rp9i3aLMcS
— James - JGOD (@JGODYT) July 17, 2021
There are a number of guns at the top of JGOD's list, with the MG82, Bruen, and PKM making up the top three, respectively. The AMAX and STONER flesh out the top five, leaving previously popular picks like the FARA or FFAR in seventh and fifteenth in line.
The two primary statistics JGOD used to explain his reasoning were the standard long-range TTK and single headshot TTK—which, he explains, is essentially just a measure of the rate of fire, damage, and shots it takes to kill an opponent. He also factored in the amount of damage that can be done before a reload
"The higher the gun is on the list," he said, "theoretically, that gun should kill faster."
Added another Set Columns for the Close Range TTKs. Now Shows 1HS in the Mix, But Still worth looking at the individual weapon so you know how many chest shots as well.
— James - JGOD (@JGODYT) July 17, 2021
Link: https://t.co/ucx0KRt5fC pic.twitter.com/CUnnBYCyCu
The MG82, Bruen, PKM, and AMAX are all light-machine guns (LMG)—an already popular category for firing at long range.
The MG82 is "clunky" and tends to hurt players' mobility, but is entirely "broken" so long as players can hit their shots. That's the crux of its issue, however. Players who pick the MG82 will need to successfully down their targets before their targets reach them and before they have to suffer through that eight-second long reload animation.
The Bruen is a bit slower than the other weapons on the list—but more than makes up for it with its TTK score. The PKM, JGOD explains, is similar. These weapons share a common weakness in recoil pattern.
AMAX is viable if players have a talent for clicking heads. It does require more than one headshot to get a decent bonus, however. It outperforms the Cold War AK-47 due to its smaller drop-off.
The STONER has the best mobility of the five and allows players to maneuver in a way that "outshines" most other choices in its own unique way.
Dead Silence is Pretty Rare pic.twitter.com/S2r59nyaCp
— James - JGOD (@JGODYT) July 18, 2021
Meanwhile, the FARA and FFAR have since dropped down on the list due to an adjustment to its recoil pattern. Some low-skilled players may find it difficult to use following the Reloaded patch, but we can expect higher-skilled players to continue using them with little to no issue. The FFAR might be on the higher end of that spectrum, according to JGOD.
He also remarked that he believes this patch narrowed the window of viable weapons, but added more weapons to that window. For example, if players can hit more than one head shot with lower ranked weapons they begin to mirror the TTK of the higher-ranked entries. He called it "a bit of a more open meta."
JGOD's full video can be found on his YouTube channel. It clocks in at around 20 minutes and includes his explanations behind all 23 rankings on his chart. Additionally, players can find his spreadsheets comparing the weapons and their place in the "open meta" linked on his Twitter account.