League of Legends Black Screen: How to Fix

The League of Legends black screen bug; we've all had it happen. You just got through champion select for what's sure to be an exciting game of ranked. You've locked in your favorite champ, your lane matchup looks good, your team isn't flaming each other.
Surely, this is gonna be a great game. And then it happens, the screen goes black. Your client is completely unresponsive, there are no buttons to click, and now you're praying to the Riot Games gods to give you loss prevention.

Don't do that, your computer is expensive. Instead, let us help you out.
League of Legends Black Screen: What's Causing it?
League of Legends certainly isn't new to any sort of bugs in its client. It's basically a meme among the community at this point that Riot Games' client is less than impeccable. However, in this case the issue seems largely tied to Windows 10 users, another system that is notorious for having issues running games. While it's hard to tell what exactly is causing the issue, a user over on the Riot Games forums provided us with a pretty straightforward fix, explained below.
League of Legends Black Screen: Guide to Repair
If you find yourself afflicted with the Black Screen Bug, here's what you can do to fix it.
- Open a Windows Explorer window and navigate to the place League is installed ("C:/RiotGames" is the default path) and look for "LeagueClient.exe"
- Right Click on it and select "Properties", then select the "Compatibility" tab on the window that pops up
- Check "Compatibility mode" in that menu, and ensure the Windows XP (Service Pack 3) option is selected.
- Hit okay. Relaunch League, and you should be good to go
Photo Courtesy of Riot Games