League of Legends Champion Tier List: 3 Best Champions Per Role on Patch 10.5
By Blake Toman

League of Legends champion tier lists change as new patches are released. Season 10 has seen some major shifts in the meta thanks to jungle changes, item and champion buffs and more.
With the release of League of Legends Patch 10.5 just a week ago, here is our League of Legends champion tier list with the three best champions per role on Patch 10.5.
League of Legends Champion Tier List: 3 Best Champions Per Role on Patch 10.5
League of Legends Top Lane Tier List
1. Sett
2. Ornn
3. Janna/Sona/Soraka
Sett and Ornn have been at the top of the top lane champion pool for some time and don't look to be leaving anytime soon. Each champion is incredibly strong due to their gold efficiency. Ornn earns upgraded items with upgraded stats through Living Forge (Passive) and Sett gets incredible amounts of damage efficiency with just Trinity Force and the Conqueror rune. Until other top laners can match those early power spikes, support top laners like Janna, Sona, and Soraka, will continue to be top tier choices.
League of Legends Jungler Tier List
1. Elise
2. Lee Sin
3. Zac
Elise and Lee Sin have consistently been some of the best performing junglers in solo queue on Patch 10.5, mostly due to their strong level 3 kits that allow them to have a significant influence on the early game. Zac also joins the list of top tier junglers after the recent buffs to Cinderhulk. His strong team fight oriented kit allows him to scale into the late game with ease while still exerting a strong impact in solo lanes with creative gank paths using Elastic Slingshot (E).
League of Legends Mid Lane Tier List
1. Taric (Yi Funnel)
2. Diana
3. Zoe
— lolesports (@lolesports) March 11, 2019
Check out some of the #LEC junglers' biggest Lee Sin plays in the newest Locked In highlight montage! pic.twitter.com/NtjNWLpiJu
The mid lane has been extremely competitive on Patch 10.5, with a plethora of champions able to succeed in the role. But the standout has by far been the Taric and Master Yi funnel composition with Taric posting an unrivaled 63 percent win rate in the mid lane. Taric is able to complete his core items with very little gold and Master Yi, a late game hyper carry, is allowed to accelerate into the mid game with the gold and experience from mid lane minions and jungle camps. Diana and Zoe are both strong champions as well, with Diana working well in strong team-fighting compositions and Zoe working better in poke or siege compositions.
League of Legends AD Carry Tier List
1. Aphelios
2. Miss Fortune
3. Kalista
The AD carry pool has been incredibly limited during Season 10, with just a handful of champions seeing professional play. Of those champions, Senna, Aphelios, and MIss Fortune all received nerfs but still managed to hold on to their spots. Aphelios makes the top three due to the utility and damage available in his kit, though he does require the player to be aware of his Weapon Queue System (E) in order to properly estimate their damage potential in a fight.
Miss Fortune also serves as another great team-fighting AD carry, especially when Bullet Time (R) can land across multiple members of the enemy team. Kalista has rapidly risen in popularity and has been one of the more viable champions on the latest patch. Her synergy with most engage supports allows her to navigate the mid game with relative ease and scale into the late game monster she often becomes in solo queue.
League of Legends Support Tier List
1. Thresh
2. Nautilus
3. Braum
Tank melee supports with plenty of engage have been the bread and butter of bot lane in Patch 10.5. Thresh and Nautilus both have hooks to catch out opposing carries and Braum has Concussive Blows (Passive) and Glacial Fissure (R) to start out a team fight. Leona also deserves an honorable mention thanks to her oppressive crowd control that forces opposing AD carries to take Cleanse instead of Heal or Teleport.