League of Legends Champions Released in 2009
League of Legends is a game that includes over 160 possible champions to play, which gives it high replay value and keeps players from quitting the game entirely.
Although it has been rumored to be losing a lot of its player base, the game has remained one of the most played games since its release in 2009. Every year, Riot Games makes it a priority to add new characters to the game and keep League of Legends feeling fresh every time a player returns.
Although the amount of new champions per year is much less than it was when the game first released, Riot still tries to put out four or more characters yearly.
League of Legends Champions Released in 2009
2009 included the highest number of champions released by Riot in any year, as they dropped 42 new characters in that time period.
Here are the first 42 characters that were all released in 2009:
- Alistar
- Annie
- Ashe
- Fiddlesticks
- Jax
- Kayle
- Master Yi
- Morgana
- Nunu and Willump
- Ryze
- Sion
- Sivir
- Soraka
- Teemo
- Tristana
- Twisted Fate
- Warwick
- Singed
- Zilean
- Evelynn
- Tryndamere
- Twitch
- Karthus
- Amumu
- Cho'Gath
- Anivia
- Rammus
- Veigar
- Kassadin
- Gangplank
- Taric
- Blitzcrank
- Dr. Mundo
- Janna
- Malphite
- Corki
- Katarina
- Nasus
- Heimerdinger
- Shaco
- Udyr
- Nidalee