League of Legends Jungle Tier List Patch 10.8
By Blake Toman

With League of Legends Patch 10.8 set to make it's way to live servers on April 15, here's our League of Legends jungle tier list for Patch 10.8.
The League of Legends jungle tier list will help you know what champions give you the best chance to win on Summoner's Rift with the changes coming to the jungle and jungle champions on the latest patch.
10.8 Patch Preview with changes.
— Mark Yetter (@MarkYetter) April 7, 2020
Not 100% final, but almost done. pic.twitter.com/4649hNluhU
League of Legends Jungle Tier List Patch 10.8
League of Legends S Tier Junglers
- Karthus
- Zac
- Ekko
- Wukong
- Sett
The biggest change to the jungle on League of Legends Patch 10.8 is the amplified healing players get from Hunter's Talisman, Hunter's Machete, Stalker's Blade, and Skirmisher's Sabre. Of the junglers in the S Tier, Karthus and Ekko benefit the most from the change and continue their dominance in the jungle when paired with attack damage mid laners.
Thankfully the Karthus is on our team... ?
— MAD Lions LoL English (@MADLions_LoLEN) March 6, 2020
We take baron and three kills! #goMAD #MADWIN #LEC pic.twitter.com/sLmZSmjVBu
The change also benefits Zac and Sett, who will see their health regeneration only increase during their first clear, helping them scale into the mid and late game easier than ever before.
League of Legends A Tier Junglers
- Lee Sin
- Elise
- Rek'Sai
- Jarvan IV
- Olaf
- Warwick
- Trundle
- Jax
- Volibear
- Sejuani
- Nunu
- Amumu
- Shaco
Lee Sin vs immobile AD carries isn't much of a fair fight #goMAD #MADWIN #LEC pic.twitter.com/JWA8JsPsDu
— MAD Lions LoL English (@MADLions_LoLEN) April 3, 2020
Lee Sin, Elise, Rek'Sai, Jarvan IV, and Olaf have been strong junglers for most of Season 10, with Olaf seeing a huge rise in popularity and success when paired with strong healing champions like Soraka. They'll continue to be strong early and mid game options on Patch 10.8 and fall off a bit less after level 9 with the increase in jungle experience in the later stages of the game.
League of Legends B Tier Junglers
- Dr. Mundo
- Hecarim
- Skarner
- Maokai
- Rammus
- Poppy
- Ivern
- Xin Xhao
- Shyvana
- Rengar
- Master Yi
- Vi
- Cho'Gath
- Qiyana
- Pantheon
- Tryndamere
Most of the B Tier junglers are either assassins that have to snowball in the early game to stay relevant later in the game or tanks with a strong, engage-oriented kit. That said, every jungler in the B Tier can hold their own against some of the A Tier and S Tier junglers, but just don't have the same late game power and autonomy. Of course, that's not including Tryndamere and Master Yi.
"What a play!"
— LCS (@LCSOfficial) February 12, 2020
Take a closer look at @TSMBrokenBlade's supreme display of talent on Qiyana as he picks up the solo kill. #LCS #LOLESPORTS #TSMWIN pic.twitter.com/wFY56aBmDV
With the changes to jungle sustain, expect to see a lot more of Qiyana in the jungle. Her kit and damage make her a terror around objectives like Baron Nashor and Elder Drake, but more than anything else, her mobility around team fights and the jungle make it difficult for the enemy team effectively track her and shut her down.
League of Legends C Tier Junglers
- Nidalee
- Taliyah
- Morgana
- Kindred
- Udyr
- Diana
- Rumble
- Gragas
- Urgot
- Evelynn
- Kayn
- Mordekaiser
- Shen
- Sylas
- Darius
The junglers in the C Tier are significantly less powerful than some of their counterparts in the B Tier and A Tier, but that doesn't mean they shouldn't be picked in solo queue. Each of these junglers have survivable matchups that allow the champion to thrive at various stages of the game and team compositions they pair well with.
Sylas is the standout jungler in the C Tier that's bordering on being B Tier. The changes to jungle item sustain helps out his previously gutted clear and his ability to steal game changing ultimates from the enemy team makes him a terror to deal with in the late game. Even with the buff to Evelynn's Hate Spike (Q), Sylas is by far the top of the C Tier.
League of Legends D Tier Junglers
- Quinn
- Sion
- Twitch
- Teemo
- Malphite
- Zyra
- Brand
- Yorick
- Garen
- Gnar
Although some of these champions are viable in the jungle, you should generally look to avoid the D Tier junglers whenever possible. For various reasons, whether the lack of a strong clear, utility, or scaling, these junglers just don't hold up against their counterparts in the other four tiers. Most of these junglers are also recent additions to the jungle, like Teemo, Zyra, and Gnar, that aren't intended to be strong, just viable enough for new players to learn the role.