League of Legends Mid Lane Tier List Patch 10.8
By Blake Toman
League of Legends mid lane tier list for Patch 10.8 will be affected by changes that have been input through the Player Beta Environment. As such, here is the League of Legends mid lane tier list for Patch 10.8 that will help you climb your way through ranked solo queue.
League of Legends Mid Lane Tier List Patch 10.8
League of Legends S Tier Mid Laners
- Diana
- Katarina
- Cassiopeia
- Kassadin
- Wukong
Nothing changes among the top tier of mid laners on League of Legends Patch 10.8, except for the movement of Vladimir down from the S Tier to A Tier. On Patch 10.8, Diana and Kassadin are still at the top of the mid lane champion pool due to their strong late game scaling and damage. Joining them at the top are Katarina, Cassiopeia, and Wukong, all champions known for their late game strength, mobility, and utility in late game team fights. These champions are pick or ban on Patch 10.8.
League of Legends A Tier Mid Laners
- Vladimir
- Ekko
- Kled
- Fizz
- Syndra
- Zilean
- Lulu
- Taliyah
- Pantheon
- Mordekaiser
- Zoe
All the mid laners in the A Tier are incredibly strong champions that can succeed when paired with the right team compositions. For instance, placing Zoe in a poke composition with Ezreal gives your team a lot of control over the area around either Elder Drake or Baron Nashor and punishes the enemy team if they make an attempt to take either objective. You should feel comfortable picking these champions in draft, even if your opponents draft an S Tier mid laner.
League of Legends B Tier Mid Laners
- Sett
- Karthus
- Ahri
- Orianna
- Anivia
- Auerlion Sol
- Tryndamere
- Pyke
- Fiora
- Morgana
- Heimerdinger
- Malzahar
- Yasuo
- Vel'Koz
- Veigar
- Rumble
- Graves
- Viktor
- Ornn
- Galio
- LeBlanc
- Azir
Almost every mid laner in the B Tier is fine to play into most matchups, but you should be careful about blind picking these champions early on in draft. Most of these champions are strong because of either their burst damage, crowd control, or utility in team fights and they pair well with most team compositions. With Orianna receiving another round of buffs on Patch 10.8, expect her to be far more present in both professional play and solo queue in the next couple weeks.
League of Legends C Tier Mid Laners
- Swain
- Camille
- Twisted Fate
- Kennen
- Lux
- Riven
- Aatrox
- Qiyana
- Annie
- Cho'Gath
- Malphite
- Gragas
- Xerath
- Illaoi
- Neeko
- Karma
- Lissandra
- Ziggs
- Akali
- Ryze
Ryze finally makes his way into the C Tier with another round of buffs hitting the champion on Patch 10.8. Most of the champions in the C Tier can be strong into specific matchups but usually have far too many effective answers to be picked early on in the draft phase or blind picked before seeing the enemy jungler and mid laner.
League of Legends D Tier Mid Laners
- Kayle
- Quinn
- Jayce
- Sylas
- Sion
- Irelia
- Lucian
- Teemo
- Varus
- Brand
- Corki
The D Tier mid laners should generally be avoided at all costs in ranked solo queue, but if you're proficient on one of these champions and get a good matchup, you should still feel free to pick it. For instance, Corki is weak into most mid laners, but a viable answer into Azir and other scaling control mages. Wait until the later stages of the draft to get one of these mid laners and you'll practically guarantee a survivable matchup, with the assistance of your jungler of course.