League of Legends Nilah Abilities: Full List Apparently Leaked

Riot Games announced the 161st League of Legends champion to be released in the upcoming months. Nilah, the Joy Unbound was announced through a trailer to showcase her kit and gameplay.
Evil falls to joyous strength. You will know her name. pic.twitter.com/QRlQZKMrXs
— League of Legends (@LeagueOfLegends) June 17, 2022
League of Legends Nilah Abilities: Full List Apparently Leaked
In the teaser, Nilah is shown to have similar abilities as Yasuo, but she is intended to be an ADC. According to a leak from YouTuber Big Bad Bear, here's a look at Nilah's abilities:
Passive - Iridescent Inertia
Nilah has a low attack speed scaling (.3), increasing upon hitting an enemy up to six times. If Nilah gains additional attack speed beyond the cap, converting to on-hit damage.
Q - Nacre Slash
Active: Nilah dashes a short distance in the target direction before empowering her next attack to strike twice and damage nearby enemies in a wide arc shape centered on her target. After a brief delay, the second strike marks all enemies hit and damages them. The second strike increases damage based on the number of enemy champions marked.
Passive: When Nilah casts an ability, her subsequent three attacks deal bonus damage. The third attack deals double damage and refunds 50% of her Q’s cooldown.
W - Tide Bubble
Nilah can throw a water orb in any target direction. This water orb explodes upon hitting a champion or terrain, causing damage and slowing down nearby enemies. The explosion creates a mist that extends around all-terrain and champions who have been hit.
The effect lasts 10 seconds but dissipates around four seconds after an allied champion enters the bounds. Champions will be unable to use auto attacks inside this mist.
E - Reluctant Friendship
Recast 1: Nilah uses her whip and extends her in the target's direction. When the whip hits an enemy, it tethers them with Nilah for four seconds. The whip will break beyond the distance of 1000 units. Once that happens, Nilah will be granted a second recast.
Recast 2: If Nilah taps E, the tethered targets are pulled into each other. If the targets are champions, then they get stunned upon collision. When the targets strike, it will also damage and slow them down. If Nilah holds E, she will also get drawn into the location of the targets.
R - Promise of the Ocean
Nilah creates a circular-shaped elastic arena that lasts seven seconds or until she remains inside. Nilah will attack anyone inside the arena irrespective of her range. Enemies who try to escape it will be pushed inside the arena. The walls of this arena will act as terrain that Nilah can use to land her W and E abilities. She also gains bonus movement speed and ignores collisions as long as she is inside this arena.