League of Legends Patch 10.18 Top Lane Tier List
By Isaac Ryu
League of Legends Patch 10.18, similar to League of Legends Patch 10.16b, introduces small adjustments to certain champs. Shen for example, one of the best top laners, will receive a small nerf.
How will the Shen nerf change up top lane? Here is the League of Legends Patch 10.18 Top Lane Tier List.
League of Legends Patch 10.18 Top Lane Tier List
S Tier- Shen, Garen, Fiora, Jax
Spotlight: Shen
Although Shen had dominated the top lane, Riot Games feels like he is in the right place and only saw the need to make a minor change this patch. The shield granted from Shen's passive, Ki Barrier, will now be slightly weaker which should not significantly affect his game play. Although he can be tough to master at first, Shen can be a rewarding top laner who is always one call away with his global ultimate, Stand United.
A Tier- Darius, Nasus, Urgot, Camille
Spotlight: Darius
Most players know that out of the many champs in League of Legends, Darius is one of the few that cannot, under any circumstances, become fed. After fulfilling his passive, Hemorrhage, Darius becomes a killing machine. Escaping Darius after being hit by any of his abilities is difficult and if one of your teammates is killed by Darius' ultimate, he has pentakill potential.
B Tier- Teemo, Kled, Hecarim, Maokai
Spotlight: Hecarim
Hecarim is one of the few champs that is capable of playing multiple lanes. Besides being one of the best junglers in the meta, Hecarim is also a solid pick in the top lane. Hecarim's abilities allows him to remain a factor in one on one's in lane and also has decent engages, although less effective in the top lane. While more of a niche pick, do not be afraid to queue him up.