League of Legends Patch 11.1 Jungle Tier List

League of Legends Patch 11.1 came out Jan. 6, two days before Season 11 starts. The first patch of the year consists of champion balances (buffs, nerfs, and updates), item changes, as well as new skins. Here is the jungle tier list in Patch 11.1.
PSA - The 11.1 patch is rolling out to every server today and tomorrow but the ranked season doesn't officially start until Friday.
— Mark Yetter (@MarkYetter) January 5, 2021
The countdown in client is there if you need the reminder - 1/8 is the official season start.
League of Legends Patch 11.1 Jungle Tier List
1. S-Tier
Graves, Wukong, Kayn, Nunu and Willump, Ekko, Elise, Kha'Zix, Olaf, and Taliyah top the list of premium junglers in Patch 11.1. Kha'zix, Graves, and Kayn have been at the top for quite a while now even after several nerfs. Thanks to the buffs to Wukong and Ekko regarding jungle clear, they are now even more effective junglers with solid ganking kits and tower diving abilities.
2. A-Tier
Warwick, Rammus, Shaco, Poppy, Udyr, Hecarim, Rek'sai, Fiddlesticks, Ivern, Pantheon, Skarner, and Evelynn are among the junglers who perform well in Patch 11.1. Although they received some minor nerfs, Rammus and Ivern remain strong in the more supportive jungler style.
3. B-Tier
Kindred, Lee Sin, Karthus, Gragas, Xin Zhao, Lillia, Volibear, Vi, Rengar, Nidalee, Jax, Master Yi, Amumu, Jarvan IV, and Sejuani are doing decent in the current patch. Amumu has been dethroned after a series of nerfs since Patch 10.23 came out. While he is still pretty strong, we no longer see him solo a Baron Nashor without taking any damage.
4. C-Tier
Shyvana, Nocturne, Sett, Trundle, Zac, Sylas, Twitch, and Sylas have not been on top of jungle lists for quite some time. A constant pick during Spring and Summer Splits in pro play, Sett and Trundle have not benefited from the new item changes. They are weaker than assassin junglers like Kha'Zix or Kayn and tank junglers such as Amumu and Nunu.
5. D-Tier
The D-tier list is filled with champions whose main role is not jungle such as Qiyana, Diana, Malphite, Dr. Mundo, Brand, Morgana, Zyra, and Shen. Therefore, it is quite understandable why they find themselves at the bottom of this list.