League of Legends Patch 11.1 Top Lane Tier List

Top lane S-Tier list is dominated by bruisers and tanks due to League of Legends Patch 11.1
Top lane S-Tier list is dominated by bruisers and tanks due to League of Legends Patch 11.1 / Courtesy of Riot Games

League of Legends Patch 11.1 rolled out Jan. 6 ahead of the ranked season. The patch includes champion balances (buffs, nerfs, and updates), item changes, as well as new skins. The changes made quite an impact on top lane tier list.

League of Legends Patch 11.1 Top Lane Tier List

1. S-Tier

Darius is an S-tier toplaner in League of Legends patch 11.1
Darius is an S-tier toplaner in League of Legends patch 11.1 / Courtesy of Riot Games

Darius, Malphite, Pantheon, Maokai, Camille, and Riven are topping the tier list, especially in high elo. Malphite is proven to still be a monster even after series of nerfs to his items. Pantheon's rework not only made him a viable pick in the top lane, but also a deadly one. Goredrinker works well too for champions like Darius and Riven.

2. A-Tier

Sion is an A-tier toplaner in League of Legends patch 11.1
Sion is an A-tier toplaner in League of Legends patch 11.1 / Courtesy of Riot Games

Renekton, Shen, Gnar, Garen, Wukong, Poppy, Sion, Teemo, Jax, and Quinn populate the A-tier list of top laner. Sion and Quinn in particular have win rates of more than 54% in Platinum+ elo with a rather low pick/ban ratio.

3. B-Tier

Nasus is a B-tier toplaner in League of Legends patch 11.1
Nasus is a B-tier toplaner in League of Legends patch 11.1 / Courtesy of Riot Games

Nasus, Kled, Sett, Aatrox, Singed, Urgot, Ornn, Irelia, Akali, Jayce, Cho'Gath, Fiora, Rumble, Tryndamere, Yorick, and Volibear make up the long list of B-listers in the top lane. Their win rates range from 46-52%.

4. C-Tier

GP is a C-tier toplaner in League of Legends patch 11.1
GP is a C-tier toplaner in League of Legends patch 11.1 / Courtesy of Riot Games

Vladimir, Gangplank, Illaoi, Olaf, Kayle, Yone, Vayne, and Kalista are not doing so hot in the top lane for high elo. Although Kayle is still particularly strong, especially in the late game, she needs a lot of support from the team to reach her late power spike.

5. D-Tier

Dr. Mundo is a D-tier toplaner in League of Legends patch 11.1
Dr. Mundo is a D-tier toplaner in League of Legends patch 11.1 / Courtesy of Riot Games

With a win rate in high elo from 41-47%, Mordekaiser, Tahm Kench, Dr. Mundo, and Trundle found themselves in the bottom of the tier list. Despite the low win rate, Mordekaiser is still favored when it comes to tank AP top laners behind Malphite and Maokai. However, Kraken Slayer and Liandry's Anguish are extremely effective counters to the immobile and kite-able tank.