League of Legends Patch 11.13 Release Date: When is it?
By Ayrton Lauw

Patch 11.13 for League of Legends will round its corner soon, and it is expected to have some meta-shifting changes for items and champions alike ahead of its projected June 23 release.
11.13 Patch Preview with full changes.
— Mark Yetter (@MarkYetter) June 15, 2021
This'll be my last preview before moving teams, I'll update you all next week with more info about how we're sharing these in the future. pic.twitter.com/BylvBcdxn3
League of Legends Patch 11.13 Release Date: When is it?
Though Patch 11.12 has just turned its corner, it's another patch Wednesday, and patch 11.13 looks to finish up what Patch 11.12 did not finish as there are changes to a multitude of items, and only a few characters. However, some items like Stridebreaker will have a massive change to its properties, the addition of two new items and a Tahm Kench miniature rework.
The tanks will now start to come back in again to the meta of Summoner's Rift as the addition of two items are encouraging top laners to build some health for their champion. This will combat the bruiser and damage-based champions in the island of top lane now. One of the newer items, Hullbreaker, will give bonus armor and magic resist on top of increased damage to towers if there are no allied champions nearby the champion. The other, Anathema's Chains, will have a passive that will reduce damage and tenacity that only gets stacked upon as it encourages tanks to take more battles.
Stridebreaker will have its dash removed, but can be casted when moving now, while also nerfing the movement speed of the item. To balance this, damage and slows have been slightly buffed and health will be increased as well.
Tahm Kench's slight rework will also move its way out of the PBE into the live game for this coming patch as well. There are changes to a majority of his skills, particularly a new Abyssal Dive (W) skill which will be reminiscent of his ultimate currently, and his new Devour (R) ultimate will look a lot like his old Devour skill - previously set on W. Regardless of changes, it may be time to unload the toad for this patch - even though Tahm Kench is a catfish.
Tahm Kench QWER (at level 18 no items) pic.twitter.com/kdqYQOC7j4
— Mark Yetter (@MarkYetter) June 15, 2021
On a side note, this will be long-time gameplay design director, Mark Yetter's, last update for the League of Legends community as he will switch teams from League of Legends to Riot Games' upcoming MMO project. Yetter has constantly provided the preview tweets to the patch notes ahead of patch Wednesdays.