League of Legends Patch 11.16 Bot Lane Tier List
By Ayrton Lauw

League of Legends Patch 11.16 is approaching sooner than players can get ahold of the last patch. The upcoming patch will see a lot of changes to champions as the last was more of a polishing effort for the one prior. For AD carry mains, the upcoming update will have little changes to their favorite champions and the meta, however, there will be buffs to make up for a drought of serious ADC changes.
11.16 Full Preview is here!
— Jeevun Sidhu (@JeevunSidhu) July 27, 2021
Again, reminder that this patch will hit live 1 week later than normal. pic.twitter.com/NS4aHZG0QY
League of Legends Patch 11.16 Bot Lane Tier List
- Tristana
- Vayne
- Jinx
- Varus
- Ziggs
- Ashe
For the highest echelon of AD carries, these champions have few glaring weaknesses that could be easily hidden with even an average support player behind them. So long as they can get ahead in the early game, it's likely bot lane would be the least of a team's issues. Ziggs will also receive a nerf to his kit, but it's unlikely that it will change his viability in the lane directly.
- Lucian
- Twitch
- Sivir
- Caitlyn
- Jhin
- Samira
- Ezreal
- Kai'Sa
These champions have weaknesses that could be easily exploited, but due to their kit they are able to at least level the playing field and still single-handedly win games for players as well. They can be as strong as their S-Tier competitors, however, they are just slightly underpowered when they don't have the right things going for them.
In this patch, Jhin and Sivir will both receive a buff to pump out more damage on their abilities. For Jhin, his Deadly Flourish (W) ability will receive more damage from 50-190 to 60-200 and his Curtain Call (R) ultimate will also have more minimum damage AD ratio go from 20% to 25%. Sivir will receive just one buff to her Ricochet (W) ability which will bring the skill's AD ratio from 30-70% to 30-90%.
- Aphelios
- Xayah
- Kog'Maw
- Miss Fortune
Aphelios has finally made his way into the mainstream, and although he has been strong in the hands of professionals, the average ranked player may have some difficulties when trying to use his kit. The rest of the champions that are ranked with him are also similarly as strong as others, however, there are even more glaring weaknesses to exploit and can just fall flat if they don't have any leads.
- Draven
- Kalista
These champions are really just gimmicks or reserved for the most dedicated of one-trick pony players in the world. They can be strong, yes, but there are way better champions to pick than these that would have a greater impact.
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