League of Legends Season 11 Guide

League of Legends Season 11 is now the talk of town. The new ranked season starts Jan. 8 and the first patch of the year, Patch 11.1, rolled out Jan. 6. Ever since Patch 10.23 was released in early Nov. 2020, the Rift felt fresh and different. The introduction of Mythic items, the elimination of Cooldown Reduction (CDR), the launches of new champions, an eventful pre-season, and the long-awaited revamped ranking are among the new things that get players to be excited about Season 11.
League of Legends Season 11 Guide
ICYMI: Find the Season 2021 Livestream here!https://t.co/K0A9A1PJmr
— League of Legends (@LeagueOfLegends) January 8, 2021
1. Reformed Itemization
There's been a lot going on in the itemization department since Patch 10.23 came out. The changes can be grouped into the following:
• Removed items, such as Hextech Gunblade, Spellbinder, and Twin Shadows.
• New items, including the introduction of Mythic and Legendary items. There are 23 Mythic items, which is limited to one item per game. The passive of a Mythic item will affect the rest of Legendary items that the player builds. Examples of Mythic items include Goredrinker, Night Harvester, and Imperial Mandate.
• Existing items with slight name changes and minor stat adjustments, such as Liandry's Torment (now Liandry's Anguish), which no longer grants Health but has increased ability power, ability haste and additional mana.
2. Introduction of Ability Haste
Ability haste (AH) is the statistic that represents cooldown reduction (CDR), particularly the cooldown of champion abilities. As opposed to CDR, AH scales linearly, similar to stats like armor and magic resist (MR). As a result, there is no cap for AH.
3. New Shop Interface
The new shop interface may take awhile to get used to, but once you are familiar with it, it reveals itself as much more powerful than the old one. Here are the detailed explanation of each tab:
• Suggested Items - Overwhelmed by all the descriptions of all new items? This new feature is extremely useful for advanced, newbie and novice players alike. Players are not recommended to have one similar go-to building path because they face different team compositions every game. By looking at suggested items, players can save time and buy items to counter specific enemy champions.
• All Items - This tab has all the items in the game but can easily be filtered based on champion class or build preference. Here, we can also see the clear division between Legendary and Mythic items.
• Item Sets - Item sets are an oft-forgotten League of Legends tool. It is under Collection > Items in the client and the third tab in the in-game shop. Item sets let players replace the Recommended Items in the shop with their own personal builds. This tool is often ignored as players become well-versed in what to build. Try it out as it will make learning new items easier.
4. Massive Jungle Changes
While laners only have to worry about champion and item changes, junglers have to pay extra attention to changes in the jungle.
• Junglers will pick one of the two starter items, Doran's Forgeheart or Doran's Hailseed. After Smiting five times, either will disappear from their inventory to permanently grant effects as a passive and upgrade Smite to Chilling or Challenging. This means that junglers will not have to complete their jungle items anymore.
• There is a slight reduction to the power of kiting camps. This is so that junglers focus more on their pathing as opposed to their mechanics on the champion.
• Jungle resistance is also going to be featured in Season 11. This will eliminate the need for certain champions to get certain camps because they do either physical or magic damage.
• Changes in individual camps such as groms and scuttle crab will allow junglers to be more creative in their pathing.
5. Revamped Ranking System
One of the most recent changes is related to ranking system. Here are the changes:
• You will lose less LP if someone AFKs or ints your game. This hopefully could compensate for a loss caused by an unbalanced game. This is known as the LP loss mitigation system.
• Duo queueing is eliminated for Master+. This gives higher ELO players a chance to prove their skills without getting "carried" by their duo.
• Ever feel annoyed because you just got 99 LP before hitting series promo to Gold II? You no longer have to worry about that now as divisional promo series has been removed. Promo series only exist between tiers, for example from Gold I to Platinum IV.