League of Legends Season 12 Ranked Split 3 Start Date
By Lina Hassen

Here's when League of Legends Season 12 Ranked Split 3 starts.
League of Legends ranked seasons are divided into three splits, each of which lasts around three months. Splits don't reset the player's rank, but allow them to earn a variety of rewards to show off their progress. As Split 2 comes to an end, here's when Split 3 begins for League of Legends Season 12.
League of Legends Season 12 Ranked Split 3 Start Date
League of Legends Season 12 Split 3 begins July 30. Since there's no downtime between splits, this is also the date when Season 2 ends, so players should make sure they've earned all the rewards they want before the Split ends.
There's a change in the League of Legends Season 12 Patch schedule. New season now starts Wednesday, Jan 5, 2022! pic.twitter.com/5nOWfkCsZh
— League of Legends Updates (@LoLDailyUpdates) January 1, 2022
Split Points can be earned by winning games through Ranked queue during a Split. Players will earn a different amount of points depending on what role they're playing (more points will be earned for playing Autofill or a Filled role versus a preferred role). Split Points can be accrued to earn Icons, Emotes, Champion Permanents, Eternals Capsules, and more prizes depending on the Split.
Splits don't reset the players rank or MMR, but Split Points reset every split, so players should make sure they've gotten all their prizes before July 30.