League of Legends Support Tier List for Patch 10.5
By Blake Toman

League of Legends support tier list for Patch 10.5 tackles the best supports to use on the current patch.
Now that players have had a week to settle into the new League of Legends patch, here is our League of Legends Support Tier List for Patch 10.5. There are few suprises on the list, like Morgana and Zyra, but the top tier supports are largely the same on Patch 10.5.
League of Legends Support Tier List for Patch 10.5
League of Legends S Tier Supports
- Nautilus
- Taric
- Janna
- Leona
- Senna
After seeing Kalista/Taric a couple of times in the LCK and LCS already, they made their way to the #LEC now with MAD Lions locking it in! Will it be good enough to beat G2? pic.twitter.com/NkXHqUpfD0
— LoLEsports Stats (@LoLEsportsStats) February 22, 2020
Leona and Nautilus have been top tier supports for most of Season 10 and that doesn't change in Patch 10.5. The one set of nerfs each champion received back on Patch 10.3 did little to scale back the strength of each of the champions, which as a strong kit centered on engaging on the enemy carry.
Taric, Janna, and Senna are all strong due to the sustain they're able to provide to their teammates in the mid game, with each having a strong heals disengage potential to avoid bad team fights. When paired with strong late game AD carry champions, like Kalista and Aphelios, they enable their team to do massive amounts of damage while remaining relatively safe.
League of Legends A Tier Supports
- Thresh
- Nami
- Zilean
- Blitzcrank
- Sett
- Braum
- Bard
The Blitzcrank is locked in! #LCS pic.twitter.com/ScoaAfzbq8
— Dot Esports (@DotEsports) January 26, 2020
Each of the champions in the A tier have their unique strengths and weakness. For instance, Braum, Thresh, and Blitzcrank will tend to struggle against mage and poke supports like Bard, Morgana and Senna in the early parts of the game.
But, when played into the right team composition they have the opportunity to truly shine. Don't hesitate to pick any of these champions when they fit your team composition and work well with the AD carry in bot lane. After all, supports can't carry a game, but they can enable certain carries to be at least in position to win on Summoner's Rift.
League of Legends B Tier Supports
- Sona
- Karma
- Rakan
- Alistar
- Yuumi
- Zyra
- Morgana
- Tahm Kench
- Soraka
Excel and Misfits Gaming face off in Game 1 today. Mickey is playing our first LEC Morgana of 2020! pic.twitter.com/k2BDL0UrRi
— LoLEsports Stats (@LoLEsportsStats) February 1, 2020
There are a few outliers in the B Tier that could be viable depending on the matchups they have in the bottom lane. For instance, Tahm Kench is a great answer to Leona or Nautilus, but is absolutely awful if picked into Brand, Zyra, Morgana or any other mage support. In short, most of these supports are matchup dependent but can function well in lane and in late game team fights, which makes them a solidly average choice.
League of Legends C Tier Supports
- Pyke
- Shen
- Volibear
- Brand
- Maokai
- Pantheon
- Swain
- Veigar
Most of the time, these supports are poor choice in lane. That's partially because of their susceptibility to being overpowered by more dominant supports, but also because other champions can achieve what these champions are trying to do with ease. Take Veigar for example, Veigar's kit is centered around zone control with Event Horizon (E) and is meant to punish any player that does not respect his ability to zone them off of objectives or CS. But other champions, like Bard, have a much better kit with the same ability to zone enemy players away from major objectives with more utility.
League of Legends D Tier Supports
- Shaco
- Vel'Koz
- Xerath
- Fiddlesticks
- Zac
- Poppy
- Galio
- Neeko
- Lux
- Rumble
- Malphite
- Teemo
Generally, you should avoid picking these supports if possible. Most of the supports on this list aren't actually supports, but laners moved into the support role, like Teemo, Poppy, Zac and Rumble. Unless you are extremely skilled at these champions, don't take them into bot lane. Otherwise it could spell disaster.