League of Legends Top Lane Tier List for Patch 10.7
By Blake Toman
With League of Legends Patch 10.7 set to hit live servers on Wednesday morning, here is our League of Legends top lane tier list for Patch 10.7.
League of Legends Top Lane Tier List for Patch 10.7
League of Legends S Tier Top Laners
- Wukong
- Kled
- Sett
- Darius
- Maokai
- Ornn
The kings of top lane are finally getting some company on League of Legends Patch 10.7, as Wukong, Kled, Darius, and Maokai all shine as elite top laners on Patch 10.7. Of course, each of these champions has matchups that are more favorable to them than others, but in general, they are strong picks that can work into most team compositions.
Wukong is a surprisingly viable top laner, even after the series of hotfix nerfs that took place after his rework debuted on Patch 10.6. He's boasting a 54 percent win rate in Platinum and above and will only be receiving a slight nerf to the armor gained by Stone Skin (Passive) in the late game. His two knockups and ability to burst down squishy carries with a single combo makes him incredibly effective and versatile, giving him almost unrivaled power in top lane.
League of Legends A Tier Top Laners
- Fiora
- Jax
- Mordekaiser
- Shen
- Vladimir
- Tryndamere
- Poppy
- Volibear
- Camille
- Zac
Jax, Fiora, and Shen are coming back into the top lane meta after seeing only occasional play the past two seasons. They're joined by a few new challengers and a few friendly faces, with Zac and Volibear joining the ranks of viable top lane champions and Poppy, Tryndamere, and Camille returning to their previous form.
Mordekaiser is in an awkward spot in top lane, as magic damage bruisers usually have to be paired with a strong AD mid laner. But, since Talon in receiving another set of nerfs on Patch 10.7, the options to pair him with are getting smaller and smaller, making him a bit less viable in the top lane.
League of Legends B Tier Top Laners
- Singed
- Garen
- Rengar
- Cassiopeia
- Olaf
- Renekton
- Riven
- Yorick
- Diana
- Tahm Kench
- Skarner
- Kayle
- Sion
- Kennen
- Gangplank
- Cho'Gath
- Trundle
- Irelia
- Urgot
- Pantheon
- Dr. Mundo
Most of the champions in the B Tier are fine to play assuming you know the matchup you are playing them into and are comfortable playing the lane conservatively. Champions like Sion, Dr. Mundo, and Kayle can scale into late game monsters, with Sion and Dr. Mundo tanking incredible amounts of damage and Kayle dishing it right back it out after level 16.
There are also a few conditional picks in top lane that make it into the B Tier, like Trundle, Rengar, and Olaf. These champions can be strong when picked into a team composition that doesn't have an answer for them. For instance, if the enemy top laner picks Maokai and their jungler picks Sejuani, then Trundle is a viable answer because of the stats he's able to steal from Subjugate (R).
League of Legends C Tier Top Laners
- Talon
- Kassadin
- Zilean
- Nocturne
- Graves
- Anivia
- Heimerdinger
- Hecarim
- Quinn
- Qiyana
- Illaoi
- Teemo
- Malphite
- Nasus
- Veigar
The champions in the C Tier should never be blind picked, but can be useful into certain matchups or team compositions. There are also quite a few, like Nasus and Veigar, that can scale into late game monsters if given the time, but are relatively weak to start the game.
Most of the champions in the C Tier don't have a lot of utility, which makes them difficult to balance unless your team's AD carry and mid laner sacrifice their picks for utility champions like Varus and Orianna.
League of Legends D Tier Top Laners
- Vayne
- Zed
- Yasuo
- Neeko
- Gragas
- Malzahar
- Swain
- Soraka
- Rammus
- Shaco
- Gnar
- Lucian
- Karma
- Rumble
- Fizz
- Jayce
- Lissandra
- Sylas
- Viktor
- Ryze
- Akali
You should generally avoid playing the champions in the D Tier unless you are incredibly proficient at the champion and you are playing into a matchup that you can survive. There are times where certain champions on this list, like Vayne, can answer into top tier champions like Ornn. But those instances are really few and far between.