League of Legends: Wild Rift Battle Academia Skins Release Date
By Ayrton Lauw
From its popularity in the original game of League of Legends, the mobile version of Wild Rift will soon have the Battle Academia skin line available for purchase in the store.
League of Legends: Wild Rift Battle Academia Skins Release Date
The Battle Academia skin line, while in its junior year to League of Legends on the PC, will be among the freshman set of skins for the mobile version of Wild Rift. It is slated for a release in the in-game store on July 22, at 8:01 p.m. ET, as the champions will take on an anime-inspired visual styling.
Though the splash art for the skin line has already been created for League of Legends, it's unknown of whether or not it will keep the same artwork for the mobile version of the game, but it's unlikely that it will take a new form.
This release will differ slightly from the original line that was released altogether as part of the Patch 9.10 update as it previously had six champions with full skins for it. However, for Wild Rift, there will only be four skins available on this release for Ezreal, Graves, Lux and Katarina. That said, there are no confirmed prices for the game, however, it's likely that it will cost varying Wild Cores - or the Wild Rift version of RP - for each skin.
Though previous announcements for Wild Rift skin lines have stated that they may not be the same for both the PC and mobile versions, the Battle Academia students will reprise their visuals for Wild Rift.
These are the Battle Academia skins that will be available in the Wild Rift store on July 22 with supposed Wild Core Prices: