Leaks Around Apex Legends 'Tropic Island' Map Suggests AI Wildlife
By Jack O'Dwyer

New leaks around the supposed upcoming Apex Legends map, Tropics, have suggested that players may have to deal with AI wildlife during combat.
Apex Legends wouldn't be the first game to feature this, of course. It's not uncommon for battle royale-genre games to have an assortment of random mobs littering the map—whether to help players build an ability charge or otherwise. Even newer titles or those in development such as Sharkmob's Vampire the Masquerade spin-off, "Bloodunt," have a computer-controlled third-party enemy that comes into conflict with players.
Here's what's been uncovered about the AI in Tropics.
Leaks Around Apex Legends 'Tropic Island' Map Suggests AI Wildlife
The information was originally leaked by credible data miner Shrugtal while in a conversation with a fellow player, Thordansmash. In a short video cross-posted to the official Apex Uncovered subreddit board, Shrugtal mentions that Respawn Entertainment has been testing a series of AI code with the word "wildlife" in it. They explain that they believe the reason Respawn is testing its AI software is that Apex devs are aiming to place wildlife—prowlers, spiders, and the like—on the new map.
Thordansmash equates them with the Flyers from the original Kings Canyon map. Players will have to take them down in order to get certain loot. Personally, Thordansmash believes spiders are the more likely option, as he is inclined to believe Tropics is located on the planet, Gaea.
While the possibility is certainly exciting, not all players were thrilled by the prospect. Some were worried that adding hostile PvE elements into a PvP game could mess with the dynamic and formula of a standard match.
"I could see those things being annoying if they attack during a fight and stuff. But maybe they’ll be really cool and fun. We’ll see" Reddit user Crescent-IV wrote.
Rhizoid4 added, "AI wildlife were pretty annoying in Fortnite so not sure how well they'll work in Apex."
However, those around for the Flyers in Kings Canyon seemed to remember them fondly, calling them "the coolest s***." The way they seemed to have minds of their own, acting like oblivious wildlife creatures as players raged battles below the skies, seemed appealing.
Others were just a little worried about the whole "spiders" thing.
"God if its the gaea spiders and not normal-sized spiders I'm gonna hotdrop solo queue in a predator lobby," user PKRowlet64 wrote.
EmperorArceus1s seemed to agree, replying "Apex legends the horror movie."
"They can fuck right off with giant spiders," wrote NYborNY, "I am just not going to play on Tropics then, don't care if it's the most beautiful map in the history of gaming."
No new data has come forward about when Tropics might drop in-game. Data miners still believe that Season 11 is a potential target.