Magic Legends Spell Cards: Everything You Need to Know
By Zach Snoddy
Magic: Legends is the new online action-RPG that borrows most of its elements from Magic: The Gathering. Magic: The Gathering is a popular trading card game created by Wizards of the Coast, current publishers of Dungeons and Dragons. Magic: Legends features many of the spell cards from Magic: The Gathering that can be used in the field of battle.
In Magic: Legends, players control a planeswalker from a specific class that can cast different spells by using a certain color of mana. The player's goal is to build a deck of twelve spell cards that can outmatch their enemies. Spells are classified into five colors that focus on different traits and can be mixed and matched within a deck.
Magic Legends Spell Cards: Everything You Need to Know
In order to be used, a spell card requires the correlating color of mana to function. For example, blue mana will power up all blue spell cards but has no effect on red spell cards. Here is a breakdown of each card color's strengths:
- White - Healing, Control, Protection (armor, invincibility, etc.), Retribution (can reset the field of play by removing elements)
- Blue - Control (counter-spells, controlling other spells), Efficiency (stealth, evasion, , Manipulation (time, illusions, etc.), Defensive Creatures
- Green - Healing, Mana Production, Spawning Creatures, Buffing Creatures
- Red - Damage, Aggression, Offensive Creatures, Battlefield Entrance effects (buffs that trigger at the start of battles)
- Black - Life Drain (vampires and other creatures gain strength after defeating enemies), Raising the Dead (able to spawn zombies, skeletons, specters, etc.), Sacrifice for Gain, Single Target Damage
There are a large number of spells included in each color set with varying degrees of strength and utility. While deckbuilding, players should look to include at least one card of every color for versatility in their arsenal. On the other hand, if one or two colors fit a certain playstyle, it is entirely possible to be successful with a less diverse deck.
The open beta for Magic: Legends is now live and is available on PS4, Xbox One, and PC.