Marinate Among Us: What does it Mean?

"I would never marinate a congresswoman." -Jeremy "Disguised Toast" Wang
"I would never marinate a congresswoman." -Jeremy "Disguised Toast" Wang / Photo Courtesy of InnerSloth

Marinate Among Us: what does it mean is something that is probably running through the heads of those who are unfamiliar with Among Us. The phrase is a recent phrase that was made popular by streamer Disguised Toast who played Among Us on Twitch with several other creators and congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to promote voting.

Here is what it means to Marinate in Among Us.

Marinate Among Us: What does it Mean?

The term marinating refers to when an imposter deceives, takes advantage of, and manipulates a crewmate in such a way where the crewmate unknowingly will defend the imposter. This strategy is often used to not only protect the imposters but to also essentially add a third imposter. This will allow the imposter team to win more split votes or allow them to cover up kills.

During the Twitch stream with Ocasio-Cortez and other creators like Imane "Pokimane" Anys, Jeremy "Disguised Toast" Wang says he "would never marinate a congresswoman" right after doing exactly that. Wang and the other members have garnered millions of views over the past few months with their daily Among Us games and Wang has gotten quite good at the game as evidence by his ability to sway Ocasio-Cortez.