Nairo, D1, ZeRo Among Nearly 50 Prominent Smash Bros Figures Accused of Sexual Misconduct
Nairoby "Nairo" Quezada , D'Ron "D1" Maingrette and Gonzalo "ZeRo" Barrios were among the nearly 50 members of the competitive Super Smash Bros. community to be accused of sexual misconduct in a wave of allegations published over the past few days.
Accusers have shared their stories on Twitter, Reddit and other social media platforms since Wednesday, when Troy "Puppeh" Wells first recounted his experience with prominent Smash Ultimate community member Cinnamon "Cinnpie" Dunson.
Wells wrote that he Dunson met attending local tournaments in 2016, when he was 14 and she was 24. Dunson allegedly initiated the sexual aspect of their relationship, according to Wells, and it continued throughout the summer of 2016. During that period, Wells says she would tell him to periodically delete their Facebook chat history, and would tell him they could be together publicly once he turned 18.
"I truly believe most of my mental issues stem from that summer and how she treated me," Wells wrote.
Dunson has not responded to Wells' account.
An avalanche of further accusations against other members of the Smash community of varying prominence followed.
Zack "CaptainZack" Lauth alleged Thursday that Quezada, a top Smash Ultimate player, began a sexual relationship with him at CEO Dreamland in 2017, when Lauth was 15-years-old. Quezada was 20 at the time. Lauth shared messages he says he sent around that time relaying the details of the experience to a friend via Discord direct message.
NRG, Quezada's team, severed all ties with him later that same day.
Quezada apologized via Twitter to Lauth, to the community at large, and to his former supporters at NRG an hour after the team dropped him.
"I'm not making excuses. My behavior was wrong. I was wrong. I messed up tremendously," Quezada wrote.
Maingrette, a commentary fixture first of the Melee scene and more recently the Ultimate scene, was accused of sexual misconduct by multiple women. Kaitlyn "KTDominate" Redeker said via TwitLonger that Maingrette raped her while both were intoxicated at Smash the Record 2016.
Maingrette said he did not remember the incident, and claimed he also had not consented because of intoxication.
Another woman accused Maingrette of attempting to coerce her into sex, and a third woman, who opted to remain anonymous, claimed she and Maingrette had sex while she was underage and he was not. Maingrette has not responded to these further accusations.
A woman going by the name Katie alleged Friday that Barrios, once the best Smash 4 player in the world by a wide margin, attempted to solicit nude photos from her in late 2014 and early 2015, when she was 14-years-old. Barrios has expressed plans to address these accusations, but as of writing had yet to do so.