Next League of Legends Champion: 5 Things We'd Like To See

The champions for the year 2021 have been teased, including an upcoming AP top-laner.
The champions for the year 2021 have been teased, including an upcoming AP top-laner. / Courtesy of Riot Games

The next League of Legends champions have been teased, and here are five things we'd like to see. According to lead champion producer Ryan "Reav3" Mireles' explanation of the upcoming champions for the year 2021, the next champion will be an ability power fighter "tailor-made for the top lane." In this new top laner, we would like to see the following:

1. More "Ruined King" Lore

Reav3 did tease that this new champion will have to choose between Senna and Lucian, or their loyalty to Viego the Ruined King. Even if it's through dialogue lines, it would be great to see a new character explain what happened in the Shadow Isles prior to Viego's fall from grace.

2. Melee and Ranged Combat

Champions like Rell or Jayce can change "forms," and seeing that in a new AP top laner would be great.
Champions like Rell or Jayce can change "forms," and seeing that in a new AP top laner would be great. / Courtesy of Riot Games

With the release of Rell, we have seen how champions can switch ranges and adapt to situations. In the top lane, this would be a great addition, as it would help in the early laning phase poking to have the option of a ranged attack while still being able to initiate fights at a melee range.

3. Crowd Control

Useful in both teamfights and the laning phase, crowd control in the form of either stuns or slows can be of great utility to the champion and the team as a whole.

4. Build Flexibility

While it is great that Riot is emphasizing the need for an ability power user in the top lane, it should not restrict players from trying out unique hybrid builds with items such as Guinsoo's Rageblade.

5. Skin Attention

With certain champions, it appears as though Riot releases them and just forgets about them in terms of new skins (as someone who plays Yorick, I know this too well.) It would be nice for the game to give the character more than two cosmetic options.

This list was based off of trends I have personally noticed lacking in the top lane, and is not by any means a blueprint of what Riot Games should do. What five things do you want to see in the upcoming champion?