Overwatch DPS Tier List January 2022

After the newest patches in Overwatch arrived at the start of the year, some of the best heroes available in the game have received buffs and nerfs, affecting the rankings of best DPS in Overwatch.
With the turn of the year and new updates, here's our Overwatch DPS tier list for January 2022.
All hope is not frost. ❄️
— Overwatch (@PlayOverwatch) January 4, 2022
There is still time to have snow much fun – Overwatch Winter Wonderland ends Jan 6! pic.twitter.com/CgYaufraHu
Overwatch DPS Tier List December 2021
S-Tier heroes are must-picks in any game, regardless of map or team composition. Their power allows you to have guaranteed contributions to the game, with high damage rates and precision if played by the right players. Some can even solo a whole game if played correctly.
- Cassidy: With the most recent patch buffing his movement capabilities, Cassidy continues to be a consistent and well-rounded Hero if utilized correctly. His abilities and attacks have high power, and his Ultimate isn't half bad either.
- Ashe: Ashe is arguably one of the best DPS in the game thanks to the damage she can put out with her primary fire. If you have a steady aim, her headshot damage is one of the best in the game. You need that precision however to make Ashe effective.
- Tracer: Tracer rounds off the S-Tier as one of the most well-rounded heroes in Overwatch with great DPS. With her speed and cooldowns, she can be very good in the hands of a player willing to put in the work.
A-Tier heroes are those that are good with most team compositions. These heroes are very powerful on their own, but players should be careful who they pair them with.
- Echo: With Echo's high learning curve, it takes work to master her, but her speed and damage are all but unmatched. With this character, you'll climb the ranks easily.
- Bastion: Bastion's high damage makes him a force to be reckoned with. Despite his low ability and range, if used right, his firepower will be a problem for the enemy team.
The B-Tier DMS heroes are good but team variation comes more into play with these choices. If you have the right heroes around these ones, your team should perform well.
- Torbjörn: Torbjörn is best played in closed-off maps. His turret is good for dealing with flankers and his Ultimate ability is strong. After the latest patch as well, his ALT Fire - ammo cost decreased from 3 to 2, making his Rivet Gun more efficient and valuable.
- Junkrat: Junkrat is a safe pick for teams. He doesn't require a lot of aiming or steady shots and can output a lot of damage. If you can't decide on a Hero, Junkrat isn't the worst choice to add to your team.
- Sombra: Sombra depends a lot on her teammates to really be good. She's best at the back of the team composition or playing for picks. If she could perform well without better players on her squad, she might rank higher.
C-Tier heroes work well with teams that have good communication. These are strong, but the player has to be specifically skilled in them to have an effect.
- Hanzo- A decent pick, Hanzo's abilities are strong and his Ultimate is probably one of the best in the game, but he requires pixel-perfect precision. After the latest update, Hanzo's arrows now ricochet once upon impact, which is cool to perhaps hit more than just your intended target.
- Mei: Mei requires practice to get perfect, but she is good for forcing the enemy to switch their strategy up. If you want a solid DMS hero that will alter the enemy's attacks, Mei is a decent shout, it just takes time to get used to her moves.
D-Tier heroes are those that will mostly only hinder the team. These heroes can be easily countered but, with enough practice, can be decent.
- Doomfist: Doomfist requires so much support from his teammates that it's hard to play on his own and will usually just hinder the performance of the whole team.
- Reaper: Reaper is best played in lower ranks due to most players being new. In higher ranks, he'll easily be defeated.
- Genji: Genji takes a lot of practice from players to really be good. Even if you've mastered him though, it also takes plenty of effort from the team to play side-by-side.
- Soldier 76: Soldier 76 is overall a not-so-great pick for the team. He's basically a worse version of Ashe, which says a lot. His Ultimate ability is just aimbot and he mostly serves to be an intro character for new players.
F-Tier heroes are ones that require buffs or can be easily picked off. These heroes usually aren't worth the pick and will almost always be difficult to play with the rest of the team.
- Pharah: Pharah requires constant healing to stay alive for more than a few minutes in most ranks. That poor health and average abilities put Pharah in F-tier easily.
- Widowmaker: Widowmaker, unfortunately, makes the bottom of the list. Her constant needing healing is a huge detriment to the team.