Overwatch Experimental Card Goes Live March 22

OverwatchNaeri posted the upcoming changes that will be live on the Experimental Card.
— Naeri X 나에리 (@OverwatchNaeri) March 15, 2021
than 45 hero balance changes that will be implemented in an live Experimental Card for everyone to play in-game from March 22-29. pic.twitter.com/lzXrwm1ze4
In summary, most characters received changes of varying degrees. The only exceptions to this are Doomfist, McCree, Roadhog, Sigma and Moira who did not receive any changes at all (prompting a debate between Overwatch fans that some of these heroes should have received either nerfs or buffs).
The first image shows the changes done to Ana, Ashe, Baptiste, Bastion, Brigitte, D.Va and Echo. Ana's ammunition has increased from 12 to 14, and she can Nano Boost herself by pressing the interact default key. Ashe's Dynamite has been nerfed with the damage going from 100 to 90. Baptiste has received many changes, maybe due to his presence in the competitive meta. His Regenerative Burst healing was reduced from 75 to 65 and his Immortality Field only protects teammates to the point that they have only one health point left.
Bastion's Self-Repair now increases his movement speed by 25%, which makes it a great tool to disengage. Brigitte's Inspire healing no longer heals teammates if she is dead. And when Echo's ultimate ends, they will be healed to half of their health instead of full.
Overwatch Experimental Card Goes Live March 22
Naeri's second image shows changes that will apply to Genji, Hanzo, Junkrat, Lucio and Mei. Lucio has the most significant ones, with Soundwave's cooldown increased from four to six seconds but Crossfade's radius increased by 50% and the effectiveness also increases when in close proximity by 20%, but falls off at maximum range. Lucio players will have to be more strategic when using Soundwave, but they heal more passively.
Genji's alternate fire spread has been reduced to eight meters and Dragon Blade's duration is increased by one second if Genji gets a kill during it. Junkrat's Concussion Mine minimum damage increased from 30 to 35, and Mei received a buff to her ammo from 120 to 140.
Next up are changes to Reinhardt, Soldier: 76, Sombra, Symmetra and Torbjorn. Rein's is very simple: during Earthshatter, if enemies are closer to him they are stunned for three seconds instead of the normal 2.5. Soldier's Helix Rockets now hold two charges, but their damage has been reduced to 30 on impact and 50 when exploding. The self-damage was reduced from 50% to 40%.
Sombra's Hack ability now takes 1.15 seconds to activate, but the duration went up by one second. Her Translocator cooldown is activated whenever it is used or destroyed, and it was reduced to five seconds instead of six. Symmetra's turrets can travel faster (20 meters per second to be exact.) And Torbjorn can now hold two turrets instead of just one. The damage and health of turrets has been reduced by 40%.
The final image on Naeri's tweet features changes done to Mercy, Orisa, Pharah, Reaper, Tracer, Widowmaker, Winston, Wrecking Ball, Zarya and Zenyatta. Similar to Baptiste, Wrecking Ball has seen an increased presence in the competitive scene, so the changes will affect a lot of players. For example, his size has been reduced by 15%, the ammunition went down from 80 to 70, Grappling Claw's cooldown has increased to seven seconds, and adaptive shield no longer prevents enemies from generating ultimate charge. This makes the hero more difficult to play, since he can no longer barge into a team fight and absorb damage without there being consequences.
Mercy's killing blows now reset the cooldown of her Guardian Angel ability, so we may see a few battle Mercy's return. Orisa's Protective Barrier increased from 600 to 700 health points, however its cooldown increased by one second. Pharah now has a new passive ability: whenever she takes damage while airborne, it is decreased by 5% and damage taken while in the ground will be increased by 10%. Reaper's Shadowstep voice line has been removed, so he can't sneak around as much. Tracer's health has increased from 150 to 175, and her Recall cooldown is now 14 seconds.
Widowmaker's Venom Mine has received a couple of buffs. Its trigger radius is now four meters, its damage went up to 120, and the duration is six seconds instead of five.
Winston's armor increased by 15, but his health is reduced by fifteen. Meaning that his health pool is the same, but the distribution between armor and actual health points changed. Zarya's Projected Barrier now has an increased range of 34 meters instead of 30. And last but not least, Zenyatta's Transcendence speed multiplier went from 2x to 2.3x.