Overwatch Experimental Patch Notes Nov. 30: Full List

In prep for the Overwatch Creator Cup tournament, three content creators oversaw the recent experimental card changes.
Experimental Mode in Overwatch allows players to test out any potential new balance updates, game modes, and rule changes. For this update, three content creators were invited to work with the Overwatch team to apply some significant changes to every hero in every role.
Streamer Violet took on the support changes, Florida Mayhem streamer Flats oversaw the tank changes, and streamer Somjuu was in charge of DPS. Below, we've listed every change that has been made in the recent Overwatch Experimental update.
Overwatch Experimental Patch Notes Nov. 30: Full List
BTW, something not in the patch notes that I didnt think made it, Charge cancel.
— Flats (@Flats_OW) November 30, 2021
You're welcome pic.twitter.com/kySGDsdVdV
Hero Updates - Tank
- Pilot D.Va quick melee damage increased from 30 to 100
- Defense Matrix
Size increased by 10%
- Boosters
Duration increased from 2 to 4 seconds
Speed increased by 25%
- Eject
Ejecting out of the mech now ejects you at 15 meters per second up, and 10 meters per second in the direction you are holding
- Health changed from 200 health and 250 armor, to 1 health and 399 armor
- Now wears a Christmas hat
- Protective Barrier
Health reduced from 600 to 300
Cooldown reduced from 10 to 8 seconds
- Fusion Driver
No longer slowed while firing
- Fortify
Duration increased from 4 to 6 seconds
Can now be headshot while using Fortify
- Halt
Cooldown reduced from 6 to 4 seconds
- Armor health increased from 200 to 225 (total health 525 now)
- Barrier Field
Health increased from 1600 to 2000
- Fire Strike
Damage reduced from 100 to 80
Now has 2 charges
Projectile speed increased by 100%
- Earthshatter
Knockdown duration increased from 2.5 to 3 seconds
Now deals 400 damage in a 1.5m radius around the impact point (where the hammer hits the ground)
Blocking an enemy Earthshatter now plays the voice line “You shame yourself”
Blocking an enemy Earthshatter now shows up in the kill feed (using Rein’s shield icon)
- Steadfast
Knockback resistance increased from 30% to 40%
- Charge
Can now be ended early by pressing the Charge key a second time
- Maximum health reduced from 600 to 500
- Scrap Cannon pellet damage reduced from 6.6 to 5.0
- Chain Hook
Impact damage increased from 30 to 70
Cooldown reduced from 8 to 6
- Take a Breather
Healing reduced from 300 to 250
- Whole Hog
Now lifts Roadhog while using it if he is pointed downward
- Health increased from 300 to 400 (500 total)
- Sigma is now able to hold Jump while airborne to slow his descent
- Experimental Barrier
This ability is now disabled.
- Accretion
Impact damage increased from 30 to 40
Explosion damage increased from 40 to 50
Now susceptible to Reflect/Deflect abilities, such as Defense Matrix
Sigma now uses his “Yes” voice line after every use
- Kinetic Grasp
Cooldown reduced from 12 to 8 seconds
Now increases Sigma’s movement speed by 100% while active
- Knockback effects are now 30% less effective against Winston
- Winston deals 100% more damage to deployable objects (Barriers, Turrets, etc.)
- Jump Pack
Now deals up to 100 damage to enemies within 4 meters of the launch location
Travel speed increased by 30%
- Primal Rage
Health bonus increased from 500 to 1000
Wrecking Ball
- Grappling Claw
Max duration is now 3.5s
- Roll
Jump height increased by 100%
Full speed impact damage on collisions reduced from 50 to 40
Can now change directions a lot more quickly and easily
- Piledriver
Minimum damage reduced from 20 to 15
Maximum damage reduced from 100 to 80
Cooldown reduced from 10 to 8 seconds
Can now be used from a slightly lower height
- Adaptive Shield
Shields granted per target reduced from 75 to 50
Duration increased from 9 to 12 seconds
Cooldown reduced from 15 to 12 seconds
- Particle Cannon (Primary Fire)
Primary fire minimum damage increased from 75 to 85 damage per second
- Particle Cannon (Secondary Fire)
Alt fire explosions no longer hurt yourself
Alt fire knockback increased by 150%
- Particle Barrier
Health increased from 200 to 250
Size increased by 50%
- Projected Barrier
Health increased from 200 to 250
Size increased by 50%
Hero Updates - DPS
I made the overwatch experimental DPS patch and brought back hanzo scatter arrows ?? pic.twitter.com/8HbfkenBlF
— Somjuu Live ? (@ItsSomjuu) November 30, 2021
- Coach Gun
Now has 2 charges
- Dynamite
Cooldown increased from 12 to 14 seconds
- The Viper
Hip fire recovery reduced from 0.25 to 0.22 seconds
- Take Aim
Aim-down-sight movement penalty reduced from 30% to 10%
- Peacekeeper (Secondary Fire)
Damage increased from 50 to 55
- Combat Roll
Now usable while airborne
- Flashbang
Cooldown increased from 10 to 12 seconds
- Deadeye
Now spawns more tumbleweeds. Mind the thorns.
- Configuration: Recon
Bullet spread reduced by 15%
- Configuration: Tank
Now grants 100 bonus armor
- Health reduced from 250 to 225
- The Best Defense... (Passive)
Shields gained through normal abilities increased from 30 to 40
- Meteor Strike
Landing time after confirmation reduced from 1 to .05 seconds
- Cyber-Agility
Wall Climbing speed increased by 50%
Wall Climbing now refunds Double Jump's availability
- Shuriken
Recovery reduced from 0.68 seconds to 0.6 seconds
- Storm Arrows
Now ricochet off surfaces up to 5 times
- Lunge
Cooldown reduced from 5 to 3 seconds
- Total Mayhem
Grenade count increased by 100% and grenades drop in a 30% wider area
- Frag Launcher
Impact damage reduced from 40 to 30
Minimum explosion damage educed from 10 to 8
- Concussion Mine
Maximum damage increased from 120 to 125
Minimum damage reduced from 30 to 25
- Hover Jets
Holding Crouch while airborne increases falling speed
- Concussive Blast
Cooldown reduced from 9 to 8 seconds
- Jump Jet
Cooldown reduced from 9 to 8 seconds
- Shadow Step
Movement Speed increased by 40% for 6 seconds after ending
- Hellfire Shotguns
Pellet spread reduced by 15%
Soldier: 76
- Sprint
Automatically reloads Heavy Pulse Rifle after 3 seconds of continuous use
- Tactical Visor
Now increases Heavy Pulse Rifle damage by 10% while active
- Hack
Affected targets now take 20% increased damage from all sources for 3 seconds
Cooldown increased from 8 to 12 seconds
- Machine Pistol
Bullet spread reduced by 10%
- Teleporter
Teleporting now increases movement speed by 50% for 1.5 seconds
- Rivet Gun (Weapon)
Recovery time reduced from 0.6 to 0.45 seconds
- Forge Hammer
Damage increased from 55 to 75
- Overload
Now increases Forge Hammer damage to 125 while active
- Deploy Turret
Damage reduced from 14 to 11
- Recall
Now restores all Blink charges
Cooldown increased from 12 to 14
- Pulse Pistols
Ammo increased from 40 to 50
- Widow's Kiss
Automatic fire minimum damage after falloff increased from 3.9 to 5
Automatic fire maximum damage increased from 13 to 15
- Infra-Sight
Now resets Grappling Hook's cooldown
Hero Updates - Support
After years of being the most hated hero, even Brigitte's allies no longer feel inspired by her. ?
— Violet? (@VibinWithViolet) November 30, 2021
What's your favorite change this experimental? pic.twitter.com/hqx7kHLf7c
- Sleep Dart
Eliminating sleeping targets resets the cooldown
- Nano Boost
Now applied to Ana when used without a target
- Biotic Launcher
Healing Grenades now affect Baptiste as well
- Regenerative Burst
Now damages enemies instead of healing allies
- Exo-Boots
Now deals 40 damage to enemies within 4 meters upon landing
- Inspire
No longer heals allies. Instead, triggering Inspire now reduces the cooldown of Repair Pack by 0.5 seconds
- Repair Pack
Charges increased from 3 to 5
- Sound Barrier
Cost reduced by 30%
Now deals massive damage to enemies Lucio lands directly on top of
- Sonic Amplifier
Fire rate increased by 15% while Wall Riding. After 1 second of Wall Riding, this bonus is reduced by 50%
- Valkyrie
Killing Blows extend the duration by 3 seconds
- Caduceus Staff
Healing now reduces from 55 HPS to 40 HPS over 2 seconds while connected
Healing returns to its normal HPS over 2 seconds while not active
- Resurrect
Can now be canceled by using Secondary Fire while channeling, refunding 50% of its cooldown
- Biotic Grasp (Primary Fire)
Biotic Grasp's healing now consumes Moira's own health if used while out of energy
- Biotic Orb
Allies that receive at least 100 healing from the same Biotic Orb are cleansed of all status effects
Enemies that suffer at least 100 damage from the same Biotic Orb are slowed by 30% for 1.5 seconds
- Fade
Now Cleanses status effects from allies Moira passes through and allied players that are around her when it ends
- Discord Orb
Damage amplification reduced from 25% to 20%
Can now be applied to Barriers, Turrets, and other attackable objects
No longer reveals the position of its target through line of sight
Line of sight return time reduced from 3 seconds to 1.5 seconds
- Harmony Orb
Line of sight return time reduced from 3 to 1.5 seconds
- Transcendence
Total healing reduced from 1800 to 1200
Now applies Discord Orb to nearby enemies