Overwatch Support Tier List February 2021

In the double-shield meta, Brigitte's kit helps her protect her team while burst-healing ally tanks.
In the double-shield meta, Brigitte's kit helps her protect her team while burst-healing ally tanks. / Courtesy of Blizzard Entertainment.

The Overwatch support tier list for February 2021 is here. Healers are a tricky category, since their viability relies on team composition and who the main (shield) tank is for that match. With the double-shield meta not going away, supports that can heal in bursts or consistently are more viable than ever.

A small disclaimer: this tier list does not apply to every single scenario. Whether or not a hero is efficient depends on lots of factors like how many hours the player has spent playing said hero, whether it's a "Capture the Flag" or "Push the Payload" match, who the main tank of the team is. In any case, bear this in mind when reading this list.

With that said, here is the February Overwatch support tier list.

Overwatch Support Tier List February 2021

The professional scene showcased a lot of Brigitte and shield-tanks being used.


Baptiste has received some buffs that along with his weapon place him at the very top.
Baptiste has received some buffs that along with his weapon place him at the very top. / Courtesy of Blizzard Entertainment.

1. Baptiste

A healer that also has a hit-scan weapon? With a high fire-rate? That easily places Baptiste at the top of the list, because not only does he have high burst healing that can keep his tank allies alive, but his weapon combined with his ultimate is an excellent tool when taking enemy shields down in this meta.

2. Brigitte

Despite not having a hit-scan weapon, Brigitte's crowd-control is of great use when dealing with the enemy Reinhardt or Sigma. One stun can allow for the enemy team to lose one shield and change the tide of the match completely. Did we mention that she also has a shield?

3. Ana

Ana's grenade makes healing ally tanks a lot easier, or it can ruin the enemy team's day. On top of having a lot of healing, Ana can heal (or deal a little bit of damage) from a longer range than most, if not all, support heroes. Her hit-scan weapon is very useful when dealing with an enemy Pharah or Echo.


Dr. Ziegler has consistently proven to be one of the best healers in the game.
Dr. Ziegler has consistently proven to be one of the best healers in the game. / Courtesy of Blizzard Entertainment.

4. Mercy

With Echo being high on the DPS tier-list, pairing her with Mercy makes for a deadly combination as Echo has both vertical mobility, a hit-scan weapon and projectiles that can benefit from Mercy's damage boost. While not as great at healing tanks like Ana, her Caduceus Staff has a strong healing rate of 55 per second.

5. Zenyatta

Orb of Discord is a great tool for taking down tanks, something Zenyatta has been great at for a long time. His burst damage (especially if he lands headshots) is extremely high for a healer.


6. Moira

The double-shield meta is rendering Moira less viable than before.
The double-shield meta is rendering Moira less viable than before. / Courtesy of Blizzard Entertainment.

Despite having great sustain in team fights, Moira does not fare well with tanks. Her damage output is not enough to take down shields, and unless she finds flankers, it means that she can not use her Bionic Grasp. Thus, her healing output will be lower than usual during this metal, but having an ultimate that passes through shields got her a place in this tier.


7. Lúcio

Environmental kills, or "boops," are not enough to place Lúcio in a higher tier.
Environmental kills, or "boops," are not enough to place Lúcio in a higher tier. / Courtesy of Blizzard Entertainment.

This was a tough decision, but Lúcio does not have a hit-scan weapon nor does he have a kit that can heal tanks as efficiently as other heroes. He is very situational right now, in that he would need an Ana or Baptiste helping him heal the entire team, which is why he has a place here.