Phasmophobia Controller Support: Is There Any?

Phasmophobia controller support is a function that some people have been wondering about. Phasmophobia is the newest horror game to consume the genre and has quickly become one of the more popular games on Twitch. As for me, I refuse to watch any more gameplay of it because from what I have seen it is genuinely horrifying.
Although the game is co-op, and having friends around generally makes things less scary, ghosts popping out of the darkness is extremely scary in Phasmopohbia and I'm afraid.
Looking for something terrifying to play for Halloween?@KineticGame's Phasmophobia now works in mixed reality! Your audience can now watch you cower in fear, right inside the game!
— LIV (@LIV) October 30, 2020
Phasmophobia Controller Support: Is There Any?
Phasmophobia has controller support on PC, meaning that you can plug in your PS4 or Xbox controller wired or wirelessly and it should connect just fine. The game has become popular for its VR support, but obviously, you need the VR headset for that. The regular ol' basic version of the game is horrifying enough, and your controllers should connect just fine.
Sadly for console players, Phasmophobia is only available on PC right now. As for a possible port to consoles, there is no news on that front as of yet. To find out more about the game, and if a port is coming in the future, stick around DBLTAP for all those ghostly needs.