Phone Booth Locations in Fortnite: Full List
By Jack O'Dwyer

Fortnite players will need to find and use phone booths on Fortnite Island as Clark Kent in order to unlock the entire Superman appearance set.
DC's Man of Steel, himself, has flown into Fortnite to help turn the tide of the Alien Invasion. As an extraterrestrial legend, himself, "Kal-El" is among the first choices players should want as backup. Unfortunately, it appears he's lost his memories upon landing on the island. "Mild-mannered" Daily Planet reporter Clark Kent is going to need a bit of help recovering his identity.
That's where the phone booths come in.
Become the Man of Steel.
— Fortnite (@FortniteGame) August 10, 2021
Battle Pass owners, complete Quests to unlock Superman now!
Phone Booth Locations in Fortnite
To unlock the Superman appearance, players need to complete Superman-themed quests from Kent, Beast Boy, and/or Armored Batman. The last of these has Kent rush into a phone booth to uncover the last piece of his missing memories.
There are five phone booths located all over Fortnite Island.
Working counter-clockwise, these locations are:
- In the western part of Holly Hedges, near the gas station. Turn the corner while facing south.
- The northwestern corner of Misty Meadows, beside the payphone on the side of the bus stop.
- Facing north toward the last large building in Retail Row, next to a glowing blue "Mending Machine."
- On the small island east of Corny Complex—northwest of Retail Row—near another gas station.
- In the southern top of Craggy Cliffs near an illuminated billboard. Follow the main road north and make a left-hand turn.
Players will need to be wearing the Clark Kent outfit in order for the quest to complete.
For those unaware, the phone booth change, itself, is a long-standing reference to the original Superman comics. Clark Kent would often step into such booths to change into his Superman costume. Previously, these booths dotted New York City streets. With the age of mobile phones, however, payphones and booths have fallen out of use.