Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl: All Exclusive Pokémon

Can't decide between Pokémon Brilliant Diamond or Shining Pearl? We've listed all of the exclusive Pokémon available in each version to help you decide.
Having to choose between two versions of Pokémon is a decision many of us know all too well. If you're old enough to have had either Pokémon Red or Blue as your first introduction to the franchise, you may have been at the mercy of whichever one your parents managed to pick up. Personally, I ended up with Pokémon Blue after finding it abandoned on a bus one time. Discovering which Pokémon came with which version, in a pre-internet world, usually happened on the school playground: "Wait, where did you get that Meowth?"
Fortunately, these days there's no short supply of guides and walkthroughs available at the click of a button. So, if you need a hand in deciding whether to get Pokémon Brilliant Diamond or Shining Pearl, here are all of the exclusive Pokémon available in each version.
Attention, Trainers:
— Pokémon (@Pokemon) November 18, 2021
A new software update (v 1.1.1) is available ahead of the release of #PokemonBrilliantDiamond and #PokemonShiningPearl. Please download the update before playing.
See here for more details: https://t.co/8veNngbYIA pic.twitter.com/PVHXI67Dzb
Pokémon Brilliant Diamond: All Exclusive Pokémon
Below are all of the exclusives to Pokémon Brilliant Diamond, listed in order of their Pokédex number:
- 10 - Caterpie
- 11- Metapod
- 12 - Butterfree
- 23 - Ekans
- 24 - Arbok
- 58 - Growlithe
- 59 - Arcanine
- 86 - Seel
- 87 - Dewgong
- 123 - Scyther
- 125 - Electabuzz
- 198 - Murkrow
- 207 - Gligar
- 212 - Scizor
- 239 - Elekid
- 243 - Raikou
- 244 - Entei
- 245 - Suicune
- 246 - Larvitar
- 247 - Pupitar
- 248 - Tyranitar
- 250 - Ho-Oh
- 273 - Seedot
- 274 - Nuzleaf
- 275 - Shiftry
- 303 - Mawile
- 335 - Zangoose
- 338 - Solrock
- 352 - Kecleon
- 408 - Cranidos
- 409 - Rampardos
- 430 - Honchkrow
- 434 - Stunky
- 435 - Skuntank
- 466 - Electivire
- 472 - Gliscor
- 483 - Dialga
Pokémon Shining Pearl: All Exclusive Pokémon
Below are all of the exclusives to Pokémon Shining Pearl, listed in order of their Pokédex number:
- 13 - Weedle
- 14 - Kakuna
- 15 - Beedrill
- 27 - Sandshrew
- 28 - Sandslash
- 37 - Vulpix
- 38 - Ninetails
- 79 - Slowpoke
- 80 - Slowbro
- 126 - Magmar
- 127 - Pinsir
- 144 - Articuno
- 145 - Zapdos
- 146 - Moltres
- 199 - Slowking
- 200 - Misdreavus
- 216 - Teddiursa
- 217 - Ursaring
- 234 - Stantler
- 240 - Magby
- 249 - Lugia
- 270 - Lotad
- 271 - Lombre
- 272 - Ludicolo
- 302 - Sableye
- 336 - Seviper
- 337 - Lunatone
- 371 - Bagon
- 372 - Shelgon
- 373 - Salamence
- 410 - Shieldon
- 411 - Bastiodon
- 429 - Mismagius
- 431 - Glameow
- 432 - Purugly
- 467 - Magmortar
- 484 - Palkia