Pokemon GO Announces Next In-Game Season: 'Season of Alola'
By Jack O'Dwyer

The Pokemon Company and Niantic Labs have announced the next in-game season for the augmented reality mobile game, Pokemon GO.
The announcement was made during the Pokemon Presents broadcast that took place on Pokemon Day, Feb. 27. Pokemon fans of all platforms and franchises were greeted with updates for their favorite game from the latest release—Pokemon Legends: Arceus—to mobile adapted spinoffs—Pokemon Cafe Remix—and everything in between.
Pokemon GO was just one part of several new content reveals.
Coming Soon. #SeasonOfAlola pic.twitter.com/7ZH3yqhZA7
— Pokémon GO (@PokemonGoApp) February 27, 2022
Pokemon GO Season of Alola Explained
Pokemon GO's "Season of Alola" will begin on Tuesday, March 1, 2022 and run through until the end of May, ending on Wednesday, Jun. 1, 2022.
For the duration of the season, the following bonuses will be active:
- Increased Incense effectiveness while moving.
- Incense lasts for 90 minutes.
- Increased remote Raid damage.
- Guaranteed gifts from PokeStops.
- Up to two free Raid passes by spinning Gym discs.
Any GO Battle League events introduced will be "calm and relaxing." Niantic explained that it wanted both new and veteran trainers to be able to enjoy GO Battle this season so, in lieu of the status quo, GO Battle during the Season of Alola "will have no ratings but will instead feature a unique suite of opportunities for Trainers new and experienced to compete."
Trainers will also be able to purchase an Alola-inspired Avatar item featuring Comfey.
Pokemon GO Season of Alola: New Wild Pokemon Encounters & Mechanics
During the Season of Alola, different habitats will spawn different Pokemon. Niantic has split these up into four distinct terrains, respectively, with additional mention of exclusive Northern and Southern Hemisphere species.
The following Pokemon will appear more frequently in Cities:
- (Shiny) Alolan Rattata
- (Shiny) Alolan Meowth
- (Shiny) Magnemite
- (Shiny) Alolan Grimer
- Jolteon
- (Shiny) Minccino
- (Shiny) Makuhita
These Pokemon will commonly appear in Forests:
- (Shiny) Paras
- (Shiny) Exeggcute
- (Shiny) Aipom
- (Shiny) Pineco
- (Shiny) Electrike
- (Shiny) Rufflet
- (Shiny) Yungoos
This group of Pokemon has moved into the Mountains:
- (Shiny) Cubone
- (Shiny) Alolan Diglett
- (Shiny) Alolan Geodude
- (Shiny) Baltoy
- Flareon
- Golett
- Archen
The next group of Pokemon will be found near Oceans and Beaches:
- (Shiny) Alolan Exeggutor
- (Shiny) Staryu
- (Shiny) Dratini
- Vaporeon
- Tirtouga
- Frillish
- Corphish
The following Pokemon are joining the Northern Hemisphere exclusive list:
- Spring Deerling
- Foongus
- (Shiny) Lotad
- (Shiny) Bagon
- (Shiny) Snivy
- (Shiny) Tepig
- (Shiny) Oshawott
In contrast, these following Pokemon are joining the Southern Hemisphere:
- Autumn Deerling
- (Shiny) Nincada
- (Shiny) Beldum
- Sewaddle
- Chespin
- Fennekin
- Froakie
More Pokémon originally discovered in the Alola region are coming to Pokémon GO!
— Pokémon GO (@PokemonGoApp) February 28, 2022
During the #SeasonOfAlola, look forward to three months of events highlighting Pokémon never before seen in Pokémon GO! ?
Learn more at:https://t.co/ZY3gerhQfP pic.twitter.com/q2ehP8VK3B
Pokemon GO Season of Alola: Raid Boss Additions
Two Pokemon will be joining Raids during the Season of Alola.
- From Mar. 1-15, trainers will be able to encounter Tapu Koko, the "Land Spirit" Pokemon.
- Rockruff will be appearing in Raids for the duration of the season with a chance to be shiny.
Pokemon GO Season of Alola: New Egg Groups Revealed
The following Pokemon will be hatching from 2 k.m. eggs for the rest of the season:
- (Shiny) Yungoos
- Pikipek
- Chespin
- Fennekin
- Froakie
- (Shiny) Cubone
- (Shiny) Exeggcute
The following Pokemon will be hatching from 5 k.m. eggs:
- Rowlet
- Litten
- Popplio
- (Shiny) Tyrogue
- (Shiny) Skarmory
- (Shiny) Bonsly
- Mantyke
An additional section of 5 k.m. eggs acquired via Adventure Sync rewards will hatch these Pokemon:
- Phantump
- Munchlax
- (Shiny) Happiny
- (Shiny) Shieldon
- Dedenne
- (Shiny) Cranidos
10 k.m. eggs will hatch the following Pokemon:
- (Shiny) Rockruff
- Jangmo-o
- (Shiny) Alomomola
- Minefoo
- Axew
- Noibat
- (Shiny) Espurr
10 k.m. eggs acquired via Adventure Sync rewards can hatch these Pokemon, instead:
- (Shiny) Dratini
- (Shiny) Bagon
- (Shiny) Riolu
- (Shiny) Beldum
- (Shiny) Deino
- Goomy
More information can be found on the Pokemon GO live news blog.