Pokemon GO Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl Celebration Event Guide
By Jack O'Dwyer

The entire celebration will run from Tuesday, Nov. 16 to Sunday, Nov. 21. Unsurprisingly, this encapsulates the release of the Sinnoh remakes on Friday, Nov. 19.
Niantic Labs has elected to split the event into two parts to simulate the two titles: one for Brilliant Diamond and one for Shining Pearl. Each features its own wild encounters, egg group additions, raid bosses, and more in Pokemon GO.
However, that doesn't mean there won't be overarching perks throughout the event. From the moment it starts, trainers will be able to take advantage of halved normal incubator distance and 1/3 distance on super incubators. All three starters sporting Sinnoh-trainer hats will be available, as well, with chance of being shiny. A collection challenge will be issued with an encounter with Froslass as part of the final reward.
Sinnoh-themed avatar items and stickers will be available from Nov. 15 onward. Event boxes will be available for purchase in the in-game shop until the event ends.
— Pokémon GO (@PokemonGoApp) November 16, 2021
Pokemon GO BD/SP Celebration Event Guide: Part 1
Part one picks up on Nov. 16 at 10 a.m. and ends on Nov. 18 at 10 a.m., local time. We've split the Pokemon you'll be able to find into sections according to how they can be encounters.
Wild Encounters
These Pokemon will be appearing in the wild for the duration of part one:
- (Shiny) Lucas Hat Piplup/Turtwig/Chimchar
- (Shiny) Seel
- (Shiny) Murkrow
- (Shiny) Poochyena
- (Shiny) Aron
- (Shiny) Bidoof
- (Shiny) Buneary
- (Shiny) Kricketot
- Stunky
- (Shiny) Scyther
- (Shiny) Larvitar
- (Shiny) Plant Burmy
- (Shiny) Buizel
Field Research Task Rewards
Trainers can encounter these Pokemon by completing their research tasks:
- (Shiny) Dawn Hat Piplup/Turtwig/Chimchar
- (Shiny) Bagon
- (Shiny) Sandy Burmy
- (Shiny) Trash Burmy
- (Shiny) Sheldon
Raid Bosses
One-star Raids will feature:
- (Shiny) Cranidos
- (Shiny) Drifloon
- (Shiny) Bronzor
- (Shiny) Gible
Three-star Raids will feature:
- Tyranitar
- (Shiny) Lopunny)
- Drapion
- Toxicroak
- Gallade
Five-star Raids will add Cresselia with a shiny chance.
Mega Raids will add Mega Lopunny with a shiny chance.
Egg Group Additions
The following Pokemon will be available in the 7 k.m. egg group:
- (Shiny) Budew
- (Shiny) Bonsly
- (Shiny) Happiny
- (Shiny) Mime Jr.
- (Shiny) Riolu
⚡ #PokemonGOCommunityDay is right around the corner, Trainers! Shinx, Luxio, and Luxray will appear for a shockingly awesome occasion! ⚡ pic.twitter.com/IvNnfX8KCC
— Pokémon GO (@PokemonGoApp) November 15, 2021
Pokemon GO BD/SP Celebration Event Guide: Part 2
Part two picks up at 10 a.m. on Nov. 18 and continues through to Nov. 21 at 8 p.m., local time. Again, event Pokemon are split into categories based on how they can be encountered.
Wild Encounters
The following Pokemon will be appearing in the wild for the duration of part two:
- (Shiny) Dawn Hat Piplup/Turtwig/Chimchar
- (Shiny) Pinsir
- (Shiny) Houndour
- (Shiny) Misdreavous
- (Shiny) Spheal
- (Shiny) Bidoof
- (Shiny) Kricketot
- (Shiny) Buneary
- (Shiny) Glameow
- (Shiny) Slowpoke
- (Shiny) Sandy Burmy
- (Shiny) Bagon
- (Shiny) Buizel
Field Research Task Rewards
These Pokemon will be available as rewards for trainers who complete their research tasks:
- (Shiny) Lucas Hat Piplup/Turtwig/Chimchar
- (Shiny) Plant Burmy
- (Shiny) Trash Burmy
- (Shiny) Larvitar
- (Shiny) Cranidos
Raid Bosses
One-star Raids will feature:
- (Shiny) Shieldon
- (Shiny) Drifloon
- (Shiny) Bronzor
Three-star Raids will add:
- Salamence
- (Shiny) Lopunny
- Drapion
- Toxicroak
- Gallade
Five-star Raids will still have Cresselia with a shiny chance.
Mega Raids will also still have Mega Lopunny with a shiny chance, as well.
Egg Group Additions
These Pokemon will be available as part of the 7 k.m. egg group for the event:
- (Shiny) Budew
- (Shiny) Bonsly
- (Shiny) Happiny
- (Shiny) Mime Jr.
- (Shiny) Riolu
From #PokemonGOSafariZone St. Louis and the last Safari Zone event in 2021, exploring Tower Grove Park with you has been such a fun adventure!
— Pokémon GO (@PokemonGoApp) November 15, 2021
?: St. Louis, Missouri pic.twitter.com/bOLpk75R3K
More information about the event can be found on the official Pokemon GO news blog.